I would first like to say Merry Christmas to everyone and to have a Happy and safe Holiday. I hope you all have a great day.
As of currently right now I have done most of my Christmas shopping, yay! Thought one present still needs to get started >.<
I also found the joys of Assassin's Creed and just beat Brotherhood and am now going back where I left off on Assassin's Creed 2 to beat it. I might even pick up the first one again from my last save. If I do that then I'll have played the series backwards XD.
Now I am seriously thinking about cosplaying Ezio, though I'm pretty sure that won't turn out well, as I'm not as I don't exactly have the build for him. Not to mention his outfit is incredibly detailed that my fingers just ache at the thought of sewing it.
On a less happy note, I made the same mistake again and totally underestimated how fast the 10:00 AM Chinese class would fill up. And now it's closed for now. I just found this out yesterday, and I felt so stupid. It really put a downer on Christmas for me. In fact I didn't even get much sleep because I was depressed and berating myself on making the same mistake again. So I'm hoping I get lucky again and there will be openings near the end of break. If not I'm going to try and e-mail the teacher and see if he can open up another seat in there. I'm kind of desperate right now, I'll even sit on the floor if there are no desks if I can get in that class. The last resort would be signing up for the 9:00 AM class. Which won't be that bad, I mean I'm taking the class at least, but it probably won't be as fun since my brother and
poutmeter aren't with me. So yeah end of whiny and selfish rant.
So wish me luck guys on getting into that class, I'm going to need it. ;-;