Clair's Candy
Cherry: Numbs the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch. *
Orange: Simply candy. *
Lemon: Inverts the field of vision over the horizontal axis. *
Green Apple: My infamous earworm serum. **
Blue Raspberry: Isolates the neurological data from one of the three varients of cone cells, restricting the range of vision to one color at random. *
Grape: Contains scopothal, my own design of truth serum. Very powerful. ***
Strawberry: Pentazocine-naloxone based euphoric. Powerful, effecting the anxiety centers and inhibitions. Perhaps too powerful for some users. *
Root Beer: Induces partial aphasia. "Babble Juice." **
Unflavoured: Antidote to all of the above.
Black Cherry: A weakened variation of the clench. Disabling, for approximately fifteen hours. Causes extreme muscle rigidity, may cause internal bleeding. Treatable, though not with the standard candy antidote. Potentially fatal.
Cantalope: A powerful depressant. Depresses self-preservation instincts and urge to act. **
Wine: An aphrodisiac of moderate strength. Also enhances confidence and clarity of thought. *
NEW Lavender: Causes uncontrollable obsessive-compulsive patterns. *
Licorice: Disables the memory centers of the brain. Permanent memory-loss.
Unmarked versions are also available.
More to come.
* Duration: approx 1-2 hours.
** Duration: approx 24 hours.
*** Duration: approx 150 hours.