It is nice get your way without doing anything unethical or illegal. Getting excused from jury service epitomizes that sensation. I didn't get to the screening process when I was called for jury duty. I got called into the courtroom as number 41. With 12 jurors needed and 12 on reserve, I never even got close to being screened. I got kind of close to being on the resere board, but no concern was that iminent. As I got the jist of the questions being asked, I kept on rehearsing what honest remarks I could make that would turn the attorneys off the most from wanting me on their jury. I certainly was going to make sure to list off the number of attorneys in my family, my development work and the high legal issues I need to mindful of in relation to abuse scandals, getting mugged at knifepoint; plenty of different angles to suggest potential bias. But as I never got called up anyway, I never needed to worry. I just twidle my thumbs for six hours in the courtroom dreading how pissed off I would be if I had to miss my trip to San
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