Title: Sweat The Battle Before The Battle Sweats You
Title Inspiration: Cute is What We Aim For
Author: Octobersghosts
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jess
Warnings: Lots of slash-y goodness ;)
Word Count: Over 1,000, that much I can tell you.
Summary: Dean just got over a bad break up with his girlfriend Cassie who he's been going out with for
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Comments 5
Dude that's a doozy of a cliffhanger. I expect more to come soon? >:D
♥ Awesome story bby. I love that Chuck can walk into a rave and get chicks that fast. Lord knows I'd be on it like white on rice.
Ahaha, of course he is, poor Chuck. -pats him-
(It may or may not remind me of a comic strip in the CSI fandom for the Nick/Greg ship...)
:O Nice!
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