[Usually, Sanji deems exercise and practice as activities to conduct by oneself. Easier to concentrate that way, especially when you consider the company he keeps
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[action]causeblockedSeptember 17 2010, 14:48:22 UTC
Nn... [Isamu makes a face, covering his nose and mouth with one hand. You smell, Sanji. Like cigarettes and sweat, and there's probably fresh cooking under there somewhere but given today's activities the other two are a little more overpowering.
Don't mind him. He'll just be keeping a good several feet away.] Hey...
[action]oda_hates_meSeptember 17 2010, 14:07:11 UTC
[There be a lady afoot... too bad he's distracted with turning himself into a pretzel. One leg is pulled deftly around the back of his neck, and held in place]
[action]oda_hates_meSeptember 17 2010, 14:36:18 UTC
[She'll be watching him for a while. It's only when he climbs to his feet for another round of forms that he takes a moment to glance over his surroundings]
... Argilla. [He sounds surprised that she's there, and stops his practice]
[action] /munspams forever~ <3purityshrineSeptember 17 2010, 06:27:22 UTC
[Meditating is harder than it looks, and tree branches aren't exactly ideal - they're not the most comfortable places, after all. Sanji distracts Kikyou from her own, and she lets some impatience slip through. He may not notice her, but she can certainly see him.]
[action]oda_hates_meSeptember 17 2010, 14:05:33 UTC
[He knows someone is around. Silent meditation never counted as a strong point for him, but that doesn't mean he can't slip into a large awareness of his surroundings all the same.
But since he obviously doesn't pick up on the gender, continuing that fail!meditating until impatience strikes and he abandons the practice, jumping out of the tree he's in]
Comments 663
That was a familiar... huh.
He gets up, throwing on a shirt and making his way out to the living room.]
Sanji's looking momentarily baffled by your sudden presence in the living room, like you knew he'd be there.]
Well, this saves me some trouble. [a grin - a grin lacking a cigarette, gdit. He'll be chewing on his nails all day]
Don't mind him. He'll just be keeping a good several feet away.] Hey...
He's kinda confused why Isamu's pulling that face]
You alright? Maybe I should drop by another time...
No, he's not that flexible at all.]
But Sanji, while he notes someone is around, doesn't actually look up yet. He's too busy acting like a pretzel]
That's just fine though, since you never really see someone acting like a pretzel.]
Who's there?
This is really quite fascinating.]
... Argilla. [He sounds surprised that she's there, and stops his practice]
Sorry, I didn't notice you.
But since he obviously doesn't pick up on the gender, continuing that fail!meditating until impatience strikes and he abandons the practice, jumping out of the tree he's in]
It's not for you, I see.
... Oh.
He wasn't expecting a beauty like her to be hanging out, and does a momentarily double-take before a sheepish chuckle. Ah shit, she saw that]
I wish I could say I'm having an off-day, Miss~! But. [might as well be honest]
You'd be right about that.
Wow, Sanji! I didn't know you could tangle yourself up like that!
Hey, can you do this one too? [He wraps his own leg tightly around his waist.] I call it "leg belt".
Of course I can't! My bones actually act like bones.
[About two minutes later his body has been tangled up into a big knot.]
S-Sanji I can't get out! [He just couldn't leave it well enough alone.]
First Sanji untangles himself, then - grumbling lightly under his breath - grabs an appropriate limb and starts pulling]
Shouldn't you know your own shitty limits by now?! [YANK] Jeez, Luffy. We could use you as a cannon ball.
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