So dinner last night, the convo went like this....
Aubrée, Grammy, and Mom, sitting at the table eating dinner, which we see is a motley collection of left overs, enter scene.
Mom:(Adresses Aubrée)So, do you want to take a trip sometime with me Grammy and Aunt Nancy?
Aubrée: (thinks to self, oh god, not the race track! Suspiciously glances back and forth from mom to grammy, who suddenly grows quiet)-sighs- eerrm, uh, where,,??
Mom:(smartly) Well, we can't really tell you, it'll be a surprise,
Aubrée, clearly displaying complete disinterest continues
Aubrée: Uuuuhm, noooo,,, is it New York?
Mom: No,,
Grammy: New York??
Aubrée: Well you guys have been discussing Saretoga for the track, and I really don't care to go.
Mom:(clears throat, gets that "I'm so powerfull with the knowledge I have over you" look) Look behind you,,(intended the paper Aubrée had earlier merely glanced at and tossed aside realizing it was all numbers and uninteresting crap) That paper right there.
Aubrée turns around and grabs paper, holds it away from face and slowly takes in the writing upon it. She then glances at the two women who are breaking bread with her.
In a slightly aggravated,skeptical, "not to be let down", nor hopefull tone,,
Aubrée: Is this serious? Like, is this a whimsy idea or is this a plan?
Grammy and Lydia both look at each other then back at Aubrée
Grammy: Well, me and Aunt Nancy are definetley going, either way,,
End scene.
So it would seem that there is a plan of going to Italy next year within the residence.
This is wonderfull to know, though i'm not excited, because I know to well not top allow my hopes up, because I honestly don't feel it will fall through, with the exception of Grammy and Aunt Nancy. Even though my mom said that whether or not both her and I can go for financial reasons (if we can't save up enough for both of us by then) then at least I will be going.
This is me.
This is me being very, very skeptical.
But at this rate, we only need about 20 other people to sign up for the tour thingy, or else the trip is cancelled.
I dunno, i'm not about to get all concerned.
Turns out though that Grampys parents are from Pretare,, which is on the schedualed list of places to go.