First things first.
Hmmmmm, W etalk about the male memeber to acoustic guitar, and only end up making out?? Why does that not seem so satusfying??
So, not really sure the last time I updated, no matter.
This weekend was my birthday/party.
So Friday after work, me my mom and Scott head over to the Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro, and go to Uno's after where I for the first time in my 18 years of existence got harrased by the entire wait-staff as they sung and clapped at me,, It was funny. I liked it.
Then Saturday, I woke bright and early to start witht he preparation process of cleaning the house, and tidying, and gathering the goods and blah-blah-blah. Then after about two or so hours of just chill time, my dad and Maria come by, soon followed by my mom returniing from the lake, and my dad gives me my gifts, and we all get chinese food.
So He got me a 151 pc. mechanics toolset, a cd burner/recorder drive for my computer, a new printer, and he has my cell phone on order,,SCORE!
So then while dinner is about finishing up, Beaver, the first to officially arive comes, and it's me MAria Scott, and Steve. Then they go pick up Toni from Victories, and I call Nirmin, who later came by, and then MArtin Called and that was great, and then nirmin came with some guy Barry (sp?)Who was pretty cool I guess, but he thought MAria was cute (ack!) and then his siter Holly came and Jason came and everyone was in and out and in and out, though not in a way I could "fully' appretiate, jkl jk.
And it was MAD heads!Like WHOA!So there was eating and playing of games and general socializing and music listening, and then for the first time in ever, we crashed before the next morning! We all crashed in my poor little room, cramming it from wall to wall with the airmatress and cot because my ac was definetley the better of the two in the house, and by like one, we were all dead to the world. It was, whoa, mad early son!
So then I woke about nine, to start breakfast which consisted of crépes and waffles, which my mom eventually took over, because crépes are a *very* specailized care needing thing,, and then after the insitence of me actually sitting and eating, Scott made 1.5 fly crépes,, lol. And Davids had come by for breakfast because he had missed the party, and while Steve and dave were playing Halo, Chad called asking when the party was, only to be informed of"last night",but we both had a good laugh on that one.
Oh well, his chance to see us sober, gone.
So then after most everyone dispersed for one reaosn or another, it was down to me Toni and Scott, when we then proceeded to Wrentham, the outletrs, where some shopping happened on everyone's behalf,then immediatley followed by bingo.
I won't get into it, other than,, it was an "experience".
So needless to say, after all that, and the fact that I am now typing, I never made it to work today.
I shoud/do kinda feel bad, but in the same respect, I really REALLY shouldn't.