Title: Six Little Words
Muses: Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter
Prompt: "Umbrella" by Rihanna
Content Mood/Theme/Genre: Angsty because nothing says Christmas like a little angst right?
au_muses Rating: PG-14ish for language
Author's notes: Happy Christmas to my
sayshisname There wasn't much that Luna Lovegood ever asked for. Being one who generally went with the flow, she felt that if something was meant to be hers it would come in due time. But there was one thing she had always been lacking, one thing she had always longed for but never pursued. That one thing was her father. She had neither seen nor heard from him since she was seven years old and it honestly hadn't ever bothered her up until her fifth year of school.
She had been sitting in her usual seat in the Great Hall when she came across an article in her father's paper The Quibbler. It had more or less been a letter from the publisher stating that he was taking an extended break to tie up some loose ends in his life. Luna knew she should have listened to her brain rather than her heart. She was a Ravenclaw after all, but the sound of her heart had drowned out any and all warnings from her brain as she shot up out of her seat and quickly sent an owl to the man who had become a stranger to her. The weeks turned into months and the months slowly transformed into years. She had long since gotten over the slightest twinge of disappointment, but no word from him at all would have been better than the letter she received exactly two years later.
Luna was sitting in the exact same seat she had been, was reading the exact same paper only this time it was an owl that brought her a letter. Thinking it was probably from her Mum, she opened it quickly and unfolded the piece of parchment.
Her blue eyes grew wider than usual as she read what he had wrote.
I can not oblige your request.
Luna Lovegood, the girl who never let a single derogatory word hurt her in any way, had just been wounded and all it had taken was six little words. She held the letter close to her chest with both hands and crumpled it up almost violently. Not caring if she would be punished for it later, she shot up out of her seat and ran out of the Great Hall. She hoped that no one had noticed her dramatic exit as she slipped into the Room Of Requirement.
Only someone had noticed....
Harry immediately stood up as he caught a glimpse of his girlfriend fleeing through the door. He automatically knew something was wrong and wasted no time chasing after her. It wasn't until he got frustrated with the Ravenclaw password did he even think of checking the Room Of Requirement. He knew just thinking of her wasn't enough, he needed to figure out what she had created inside. So stopping in one of the many hallways, he cleared his mind and racked his brain trying to figure out what she might have needed. He could usually read her well and could almost always tap into her emotions. He tried several things including Paris, Thestrals, and even Nargles although he had no clue what one looked like. Nothing he thought of was working, "Right, she was upset...so...of course!" He suddenly remembered the only other time he had seen her upset. They had both ended up in the room and she had fired away at several objects causing them to explode. There was something about destroying things when you are upset or hurt that always helped. Low and behold the walls shifted and the door appeared. He resisted the urge to barge right in and slipped through quietly.
The room was dimly lit with red lights and the only noise was Luna's voice calling out angrily.
The glass vase exploded into a million pieces with a loud BANG and she levitated a statue repeating the blasting curse.
Harry approached her slowly and reached his hand out to touch her shoulder. Before he made contact her voice that was usually light and whimsical came to him completely monotone.
"I wondered how long it would take before you or Cedric showed up." She didn't turn to look at him simply continued to blast away at miscellaneous objects. When she pointed her wand at something that was large enough to potentially caused damage to herself, he gently lowered her arm and turned her towards him.
"Luna...." He said softly moving his hand to stroke her cheek.
She quickly turned her head away from him and shoved the crumpled parchment into his hands. She had been clutching it so tightly her knuckles had turned white and to be honest she no longer wanted to know it existed. Still not making eye contact with him, she moved and sat down in one of the half damaged chairs.
Her quick withdrawal from his touch made him blink a little and he did his best to unfold the parchment. Before he could get halfway through the short letter her voice carried over to him once more.
She was looking at the floor and playing with her wand absentmindly as she spoke. "I've never asked for anything Harry...not once have I ever," she faltered and clinched her teeth hating herself for being so upset over this. Jerking her head up she looked at him, her angry blue eyes burning into green. "All I asked for was a letter. One fucking letter from my 'father'. I didn't ask to see him, hell I didn't even ask where he was...all I wanted was something tangible. All I wanted was to know how he is doing...that was TWO fucking years ago Harry! TWO FUCKING YEARS! And I KNOW he got my letter when I sent it, because the damned owl returned."
He had never heard her so angry before, and not once had he ever heard her swear like she was.
Suddenly it hit her how selfish she must sound, because hadn't he never got the chance to know his parents? Hadn't she had seven years with her father? That was seven years more than Harry would ever have. Biting her bottom lip hard she shook her head. "M'sorry Harry...." she said quietly dropping her wand and burying her face into her hands.
Now was the time to move quickly, rushing over he lifted her, gathering her into his arms and holding her close. He knew why she was apologizing and although he appreciated the sentiment there was no way in hell he would be angry with her for being hurt by not knowing her father. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Shhh Luna, don't..."
She held onto him tightly her voice beginning to crack. "I just don't..." she took in a deep shaky breath. "Why doesn't he want me Harry?" That was all it took to break her, six little words. The tears fell and her shoulders shook as she buried her face into his neck.
Oh Xenophillius Lovegood better hope he never crossed paths with the Boy Who Lived. Harry had a good mind to hunt him down himself and make him sorry for every tear that fell from his girlfriend's big blue eyes. "I can't answer that," he said softly tilting her chin up so he could look in her eyes. Merlin it hurt to see her cry. "But you listen to me Luna and listen good. You are an amazing woman, and have more worth in your little finger than that bastard has in his entire body." Gently wiping away her tears, he framed her face with his hands. "You have a mother who loves you and two guys who would hang the moon for you if you asked them too. Anyone who can't see how wonderful you are is completely blind. And anyone who doesn't want you in their lives are complete and utter gits who don’t deserve the love you give so freely." He knew his words wouldn't completely heal her wounds, that would take time but he would make damn sure he was there long after she forgot she had ever hurt in the first place. Lowering his head, he covered her mouth with his own, kissing her softly. "I love you Luna Lovegood." He murmured against her lips.
"I love you too." She replied her voice almost a whisper, on it's way too whimsical again as the red lights turned blue.