Title: Times Square Can’t Shine As Bright As You Muses: Luna and Neville Longbottom Prompt: First Anniversary Content Mood/Theme/Genre: WARNING EXTREME FLUFFY ZOMGAWWNESS OVERLOAD! No seriously, it’s cuter/sweeter than a basket of puppies. Rating: PG Timeline: hpsws (one year since they were married) Author's notes: Happy Christmas longbottom_heir
Ganked from sayshisname because she's brilliant and sometimes I believe in the whole it's better to give than too recieve thing. *winks*Okay so I am making a meme. Go team me. I'm going to write ficlets for Christmas. Consider it a gift from me to you. I'm not going to put this in each of my journals. Ya'll know who I write so make your requests all on this
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So I've gotten on a big icon making kick the past couple of days and before it dies out or you know I get tired of doing it, wanted to make a post just in case anyone wanted me to make them a few for their muses/couples. There are samples under the cut!
1. Tell me one thing you love about me. 2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. No self-deprecation allowed! 3. Look through the comments - when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them. 4. Do this in your journal.
Okay, here's the deal: I thought we'd pretty much established that if you are going to post a comment with a complaint at least have the fuckin' balls to log in and do it! And if you must complain? Be mature about it! Constructive criticism is fine in fact I accept it with open arms. Bring it on I'm a big girl I can take it. BUT if you're going to
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