AWW LOOK IT'S SHIN. I just took this so I could send it to my friend. XD So I just placed his head carefully on his body. I didn't completely put it on. It's just sitting there. XD
And then I was too lazy to style his wig correctly. 8D
I still need to order the msc for his faceee. And lol, some shoes.
AND A COMPLETELY ACCURATE RENDITION OF MYSELF. I finished it 12 seconds ago. :> Even though it's really rough. :> Obviously. :>
I actually used a reference image. Lol. Of a picture I took with my webcam. I was bending over leaning forward. ; 3 ;
My glasses are different. If you know me, it's obviously obvious.
They're really bad. I'm bad at drawing straight lines on my tablet, I find. So. Lol. I used the shape tool OTL Except for the side things haha oh god.
... *looks at glasses* LOL I'VE SHAMED THE WORLD.
And I've joined!
BECAUSE I CAN'T KEEP TRACK OF THINGS ON OUR OWN ANYMORE. *that made sense don't deny it*
And don't ask me what that thing on my bed (behind me) is. It may be a backpack.
I'm also really torn right now. For the cosplay. I want to be Belarus. But I want to be Maylene from Kuroshitsuji too now. I DUNNOOO UGHHH.
I'm leaning towards Maylene right now though. :'D