Fandoms masterlist - forever in progress

Jun 15, 2008 19:55

animorphs ;
Animorphs is a children’s series from the late 90’s and early 2000’s but, you’ll find that it has a pretty sizable fandom, considering its target audience and how long it’s been since the series concluded. And why is this? I hold that it has to do with how good the books are. The language may be aimed at younger readers, but the themes and struggles of the characters are something that anyone can appreciate.

Animorphs, essentially, is about six kids who are the only thing protecting Earth from a parasitic alien invasion. The series deals with questions about war and good and evil and about how changed someone can become before they can never go back.

Rachel/Tobias - Of the two main canon ships, this is the one that I’ve always been a bigger fan of, possibly because it is so tragic. She’s a girl who likes fighting too much. He’s a boy trapped in the body of a hawk.
Jake/Cassie - I'm not an avid shipper, but I do appreciate their relationship. I also like the way it ended, strange as that sounds. It seems to work well that way.
Essam/Edriss - Visser was one of the few Animorphs books that I didn’t read until I was older, which is possibly why this ship affects me so much. It’s beautiful in a painful sort of way, and their hosts should probably be added in there to make this one twisted foursome.
Marco/Rachel - I was pretty resistant to this ship when I entered the fandom, but now that I’m reliving the early books, courtesy of Animorphs: The Radio Drama, UNCENSORED, I’m starting to see it. They enjoy the casual flirting thing, and it’s my belief that Marco took this to another level and that it explains a lot of his actions after the war.
Karen - Karen is only a secondary character, but that also means there’s a lot of room to explore her. I’ve written Karen!fic myself, and it was definitely a good experience.
Jordan - seeyouupside, through her Jordan!fic, has given me a new appreciation of Jordan, especially where here relationship with Rachel is concerned.

artemis fowl ;
Artemis Fowl is another children’s/young adult series. What’s good about this one? Butt-kicking fairies, huge bodyguards named after Russian house spirits, and evil geniuses.

Artemis/Holly - I’ve always been a fan of this pairing, but I never thought it would go anywhere. Sneaky, sneaky Eoin Colfer keeps trying to lead me on, though.
Artemis/Juliet - Because why not? It’s not even cross-species.

arthurian legend ;
I’ve always been a fan of Arthurian legend, in whatever re-telling it ends up. It covers such a large expanse and tells a great story. Of course, I’m mostly in it for the girls, so that cuts a lot of the Grail stuff out, but that’s the way it is. I also have a pretty large store of personal canon, which I try to keep separate from my interactions with the fandom.

Morgan/Arthur - So it's incest. (Well, not necessarily, but usually.) Shoot me. They didn't grow up together, at least not for very long. And they work so well together, except that it can't be. And it's therefore lovely.
Nimue/Merlin - Nimue had a crush on a much older guy and took it too far. But it’s still pretty cool anyway.

ballykissangel ;
Ballykissangel is a show about a small Irish town. More specifically, it’s about the priest of this small Irish town. I haven’t watched past the third season, mainly because I’m not sure if I could bear it. But I do like Siobhan and Brendan, so perhaps I’ll watch more for them.

Eamon - Rocks my socks. For no particular reason, except that he just does.
Peter/Jenny - I’m all for the tragic romance as long as it’s not Peter/Assumpta.
Siobhan/Brendan - I’m not sure if I ship them or just really like their friendship, but it’s one or both. That I know.
Assumpta - She can be a real bitch sometimes, but I like that. She’s flawed and she’s still a good person.
Peter/Assumpta - They are amazingly perfect together. I was shipping them from episode one and hating myself for shipping a priest, but I managed to get over that pretty quickly. And the end of The Reckoning? Didn't happen. Unless you want more angst than I can stand.

the circle of magic ;
The Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce is a quartet aimed at middle school to junior high age kids. The next quartet, and the two books that follow, are all solidly young adult. Something about the books has always intrigued me, so I’ve stayed with them as I got older, even if they’re the less populated of the two Tamora Pierce universes’ fandoms.

Rosethorn - Is amazing. I'm not sure why, exactly, but she is. She pretends she doesn't care, but she does. And it doesn't even seem to be a defense mechanism; that's just how she is.
Crane/Rosethorn - Love/hate much? They don't work in theory, and yet they do. The sex is great, I'm sure.
Lark/Rosethorn - Yes, I manage to ship Rosethorn simultaneously with both Lark and Crane. It's just that she works so well with both of them. In vastly different ways.

doctor who ;
I was terrified of this show as a child. One of my earliest memories is of watching it and being frightened out of my mind. But I got over that. Though it's still scary. Can anyone say Blink?

Donna - Amazing.
the Doctor/Rose - I ship them. For no apparent reason, except that I started shipping them and couldn't stop. What can I say?
the Doctor/Sarah Jane - I watched School Reunion and fell hard, even though I had no idea who she was. And now I can't get them out of my head. It's just so sad and beautiful. She moved on. She had a life. But she couldn't forget.
Eleven/Sally Sparrow - Nine and Ten are for Rose. That’s cool. But Eleven is young and hip. Just like Sally Sparrow, who would be a Companion to rival Donna in her own right.

everworld ;
Yes, another series by K. A. Applegate. Don't worry; you won't find Remnants on here--I never read it. But, anyway. Everworld, while not as good as Animorphs (can you say cop-out ending, anyone?) is also really good. The characters are all fascinating in their own ways. They appear stereotypical at first glance, but they're not at all. Christopher's journey, in particular, is very interesting.

April - I think April is awesome. She's Catholic, but that's only one facet of her character. I really love how KA managed to do that. She seems realistic and not over-the-top.

farscape ;
A really great show. That's about all I can say. Also, webisodes, anyone?

Scorpius - The coolest quasi-bad guy ever? Probably.
John/Aeryn - One of the OTP's to end all OTP's? Probably.

firefly ;
I am so depressed that this got cancelled, it's hard for me to put the depression into words.

Inara - I like her probably just because I wish I could be her. She's pretty and perfect, except not. She has a secret. A SECRET THAT WE WILL NEVER KNOW. Unless there's another movie, or some such.
Mal/Inara - These two are so great together. They have so much chemistry, and yet it can only end in tragedy. Amazing.

gone ;
The Gone series is by Michael Grant, otherwise known as K. A. Applegate's husband and co-author of the Animorphs series. Gone's premise is that everyone over the age of fourteen in the town of Perdido Beach, California disappears. At the same time, the town is cut off from the outside world by a barrier, leaving the kids to deal with everything on their own. And even though it's a young adult book, Michael Grant doesn't hesitate to portray the gritty reality of the situation.

Caine/Diana - They're both evil. They're both messed up. They go great together.

his dark materials ;
A really great trilogy. It's so very epic, and yet at the same time, it's about single people. Plus, there's so much unexplored territory around the books themselves.

Will/Lyra - Breaks the heart. But I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Serafina/Coram - I probably love them even more than Will and Lyra, possibly because we get to see them after they've moved on. They had this really intense love that ended tragically, and that's all in the past. Argh. So good.

merlin ;
Merlin is what I watch when I’m in the mood for some lulz. I can’t take it seriously. I really can’t. Sorry if that offends anyone. I mean, look at the talking dragon. There is no way I can take him seriously. It’s just like Eragon.

Arthur/Morgana - Because I will ship them no matter what incarnation they present themselves as. Even if they are apparently not siblings and not the parents of Mordred. Plus, Morgana is gorgeous.
Morgana/Merlin - So gorgeous that I ship her with nearly everyone. Here, for example, they both have forbidden!magic. Yay!
Morgana/Gwen - For no apparent reason. Except that Gwen seems really obsessed.

monarch of the glen ;
I really like this show for reasons that I can't quite put into words. Although it really went downhill after Archie left. However, those seasons are made somewhat better if you ignore the fact that the earlier seasons never existed and treat it as an entirely different show. ...Maybe that's what I should do for Ballykissangel.

Archie/Lexie - I really like these two. Although I could probably ship Archie/Katrina just as easily.
Paul/Isobel - They couldn't get it together, and I loved that. Then she disappeared between seasons and was never referred to again, which made me really mad.

ncis ;

rpf ;
RPF is generally freaky for people, which I completely understand. I used to think it was weird, too. But then somehow-and I don’t even remember how-I discovered bcshow and I was in.

Ben Browder/Claudia Black - I realize that they’re both happily married, but the chemistry between them-not just between John and Aeryn, but between Ben and Claudia-is undeniable. I don’t even feel guilty about this ship anymore.
Hilary Clinton/Barack Obama - My only explanation for this is a twisted mind and the tendency to ship people on opposite sides. But, really. You know you want to ship them, too.
Hilary Hahn/Josh Ritter - The day after I saw them in concert, my violin teacher said, “So. I heard they were dating.” I was sold.
Michelle Yeoh/Jet Li - I have no idea why I shp this. I just do. There’s zero fandom for it. I don’t care.

skins ;

stargate ;

x-files ;

young wizards ;
Young Wizards by Diane Duane is basically my Harry Potter. I would go to a store at midnight to get the next book if I was under any delusion that I could afford a hardcover book. Instead, I brave the public library, wait weeks, and then read the book in the span of a single day. But the books are so good. So good. I get incoherent when I try to explain the wonder of them.

Dairine/Roshaun - I used to really like this pairing, but my increasing age has led me to see it as something more complicated that will need a lot of working out. Still, I wait expectantly to see what happens next.
Dairine/the Lone Power - I am a big fan of a dark!Dairine. She can take on a lot of forms, but with the connection that she and the Lone Power already share, this is a great way for that to go. And yeah, It is basically the Devil, So I can see how that would make you squick, but I am all for shipping the Devil with people.


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