Drawn for the
Oh, Sam Triple Play Challenge.
Because who can resist such a prompt?
1) high school/junior high school
2) teen!Sam, Dean
3) Sam gets injured in PE (lands wrong jumping for a ball - popped knee or twisted ankle) - administration is hesitant to release Sam to Dean with no paperwork from John saying that it's okay (John filled it out, he ALWAYS fills out the release forms but it's been "lost"). Dean's got to wrangle with red tape while Sam's injury gets more swollen/painful.
Thank you,
weesta ! Clearly, you have a deliciously evil mind ;)
Medium: 2H to 5B pencils. Digitally colored. Texture by
struckdumbWarnings: Obviously Sam managed to get himself injured, but nothing graphic. PG.
Disclaimer: SPN and all recognizable characters are owned by their various creators. No copyright infringement intended.