Seriously now, thank you very much for your lovely comment. Currently I'm diligently working towards the end of November. Then I'm facing a whole free week. No work. For seven days! *sighs in anticipation*
Anyway, that means in that week I'll probably draw *a lot* ;)
Ooh. Maybe in those seven days you could try drawing Oliver giving Percy a cute little pygmypuff. Fluffy little thing that keeps annoying the heck out of poor Perce ;)
*snags Vicky/Hermy and decides to do some icons later this week*
Actually, I've already started some sketches but they turned out a By the way, what does a Pygmy Puff look like? I imagine it a bit like a fluffball with eyes. And perhaps small fangs that tear at a bow Oliver tried to fasten around it.
Thank you very, very much. The kind of sexy you described is exactly what I was going for. "My" Hermione isn't sexy in any classical way but rather - I hope - in a more discreet and laidback way. Anyway, I'm very glad you picked up on it :)
Comments 50
You've got a lovely icon there by the way :)
Oh, and I missed you *hugs*
Seriously now, thank you very much for your lovely comment. Currently I'm diligently working towards the end of November. Then I'm facing a whole free week. No work. For seven days! *sighs in anticipation*
Anyway, that means in that week I'll probably draw *a lot* ;)
Maybe in those seven days you could try drawing Oliver giving Percy a cute little pygmypuff. Fluffy little thing that keeps annoying the heck out of poor Perce ;)
*snags Vicky/Hermy and decides to do some icons later this week*
*is so looking forward to the icons!*
That's really nice!
Hermione is...really sexy in this pic! Not in the usual way sexy but look at that posture!
Nice waist too, lol!
Thanks for sharing!
You know, your icon is really fascinating. A dancing DUmbledore I can imagine but smiling Snape? That's rather scary ;)
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