I know I should resist but I simply can't. So, the lovely
minisinoo and
inell have started a sort of 'getting-to-know-your-flist-better'-Meme and my curiosity has been piqued by it. In other words I re-post it shamelessly with a few minor adaptions for fanartists.
Name: (your writing name or name you're known by)
Fandom(s) you follow most:
What do you do in
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Comments 28
Name: I'm Alex, Alex Smith actually, plain and simple :)
Fandom(s) you follow most: Harry Potter fan, almost exclusively. Although I might wander into Narnia, House, PotC, anything well written and enjoyable.
What do you do in fandom? I'd like to think I was a writer, I do plenty of reading too, of course.
Favourite characters: Oh my, there are SO many good choices. But really, I think it's all about Bill Weasley. Although I'm also a Luna and a Hermione fan.
Do you have favoured pairing(s) or types of pictures? I like a wide range of things, if something is written or drawn by someone I really like, I'll read it regardless, but my favourite would be Ron/Hermione, closely followed by Bill/Remus.
What kind of pictures would you like to see? Anything by you? I think you do marvellously well and I'm happy to sit back and watch the magic happen.
What do you mainly post in your own LJ? Mostly fiction, not to mention the usual complaining...
Why did you decide to friend me? So as not to miss a single picture!
( ... )
Bill/Remus is something I haven't heard about too often but once you think about it - it does have a certain appeal. Seriously now, I'm very glad you answered because I'm sure I'm pretty ignorant about many of the amazing people I have on my friends-list - and you already proved me right!
As for the French, that's actually a funny thing. Back in school I was really, really bad at French until I made a bet with my teacher. He said I was unable to learn that language (fully knowing that this would motivate me I guess in retrospect) and, of course I did learn it (and forgot most of it again by now). Anyway, the appreciation for French remained. Goodness, sorry for staring to ramble so shamelessly *blushes*
And well, honestly, my favourite ship is actually Bill/Remus/Hermione... Now those are some people you can have some fun with!
Oh wow! Okay, so, I did the exact same thing. I was TERRIBLE and my teacher told me she didn't think I could do it, so of course I had to, to prove her wrong. Later that year I actually got to GO to France. Amazing. Look, there I go along with you, not to worry ;)
Fandom(s) you follow most: HP, I lurk in PoTC, and Lost
What do you do in fandom? writer, reader, artist, icon maker, archivist, reccer, etc. I write a little.
Favourite characters (in Harry Potter or otherwise): Hermione, Fred, Cho, Pansy, Dean
Do you have favoured pairing(s) or types of pictures? Fred/Hermione & Harry/Cho
What kind of pictures would you like to see? (characters, situations etc.) I just like seeing more Hermione, I never see enough.
What do you mainly post in your own LJ? Anything, personal stuff, fandom ramblings.
Why did you decide to friend me? (for the art etc.?) I came for the art!
Anything else you'd like to tell or think I should know about you? No, I think that's all!
Honestly now, who doesn't occasionally lurk in POTC and Lost? Captain Jack Sparrow is amazing. Who are your favourite characters in Lost?
Pansy and Dean are a very exquisite choice of characters (and yes, I do *so* love so-called minor characters). Is there a special reason why you like them? I don't want to seem too nosy but now you've made me curious ;)
I don't know why I like them, I think I read them as a part of a pairing (seperately) in some fics, and then it sort of grew from there. It's a shame they are 'minor' characters, I think they are really interesting. We know nothing about them, with Dean it's just basic stuff, he's Muggleborn (?) and likes English football, and with Pansy it's even less. I've always wondered about her family, because her father isn't there in GoF, and I don't think he's there in OoTP.
I don't think that answers your question! Ooops, I think they're interested, and incredibly under-appreciated. And poorly treated, Dean in HBP, and Pansy in D/hr fanfiction. If I see one more fic with her calling Draco her drakiepoo I think I shall scream!
Fandom(s) you follow most: HP
What do you do in fandom?: artist with a bit of writing and icon-making thrown in.
Favorite characters: Luna, Bellatrix, Neville, Hermione, I can't decide. Anyone but Umbridge.
Do you have favorite pairing(s) or types of stories?: I like fluffy smut :D
What pairing(s)/character(s)/genre(s) do you wish there was/were more of? femmslash.
What do you mainly post in your own LJ?: "real life" mixed with squees about fandom and TV shows.
Why did you decide to friend me?: You seemed awesome. And I think you are. :)
Anything else you'd like to tell or think I should know about you?: I'm weird? I like tea a lot.
Fandom(s) you follow most: Harry Potter, some anime
What do you do in fandom? writer, reader, icon maker
Favourite characters (in Harry Potter or otherwise): Percy Weasley <3
Do you have favoured pairing(s) or types of pictures? Rodolphus/Narcissa at this moment.
What kind of pictures would you like to see? Percy being all lovey-dovey with someone <3
What do you mainly post in your own LJ? IRL issues, fics and sometimes (unfortunately) memes.
Why did you decide to friend me? At first is was for the art, but then I got interested in your nice personality ^-^
Anything else you'd like to tell or think I should know about you? I don't thinks so ^^"
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