Feb 10, 2009 00:30
- 00:46 Looking for grocery stores in Gaylord via Google Maps. There's one about 3 miles from where we'll be staying. Hurrah, accessible vegetables! #
- 02:15 @ CantonLibrary The other day I sought a book which was simultaneously available and on hold according to the catalog. Bug, I presume? #
- 03:59 Breaking off the search for local flower farms in favor of going to bed. #
- 14:51 @ CantonLibrary Thanks (wasn't in 641s) Didn't know CPL reserved books for patrons already on the shelves. Thought I had to come in for it. #
- 14:58 @ CantonLibrary Wonderful! I thought it had previously (albeit politely) implied one was a lazy butt for requesting something already there. #
- 15:15 Browsing shoes at @veganessentials. Want something cute and professional. Thinking tinyurl.com/bwq97v or tinyurl.com/bwq97v #
- 15:21 The linking foo is weak in this one. tinyurl.com/ablztr or tinyurl.com/aoa63v #
- 21:45 @ eatconsciously I work at a library, the glue used in book binding might be animal derived. #
- 23:17 Reading a tater tot recipe. *sing-song voice* I know what I'm doing this weekend! #
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