Once upon a time...

Aug 07, 2007 19:55

Name: Karen

Age(No one under 13 please): 20

Location: Miami

Gender: Female

3 Postive Adjectives that describe you: Creative, ambitious, loyal

3 Negetive Adjectives that describe you: Arrogant, aloof, cruel

Talents/Interests: Acting, writing, playing the piano, music, dancing, shopping

Favorite Movies(Non-Fantasy): A Clockwork Orange, Mean Girls, Cousin Better, Memoirs of a Geisha

Something you believe strongly in: Being anti-racism

Strengths: Being adaptable, being charismatic

Weaknesses: Procrastinator, mean streak, bad temper

Pick One - Love, Family, Courage, Beauty, Friendship, Honor: Honor

Pick One - Forest, Desert, Seaside, City: Forest

Pick One - Gnome, Goblin, Faery, Dragon, Unicorn, Demon: Demon

Pick One- Horse, Fox, Dog, Turtle, Bird, Snake, Wolf: Fox

Would you mind being voted a character if the opposite sex? Not at all

Anything Else you'd like to add?: Nope!

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