Name: Becca
Age(No one under 13 please): 17
Location: The Netherlands
Gender: Female
3 Postive Adjectives that describe you: Positive, brave, caring
3 Negetive Adjectives that describe you: Feeling the need/responsibility to help everyone, autonomous, and I'm not good at being alone (I need people around me to feel happy)
Talents/Interests: Art, sewing, drawing, sword-fighting, archery, painting, reading, writing, poetry, movies, creating jewels, fantasy stuff (like dragons, magical things and stuff like that), genealogy, mythology
Favorite Movies(Non-Fantasy): Anna Karenina, Dead Poets Society
Something you believe strongly in: Loveeeeeee and people
Strengths: I'm able to go on, even if I'm very hurt, and I'm able to always keep in mind that there's another day after this one, and that things will get better. I also think that one of my greatest strengths is to love so deeply, that I'd actually die for my loved ones. (I always wear bracelets on my wrist in different colours, and each colour stands for one person I love.) I'm a proud and sometimes stubborn person, but if something is expected from me that I don't like, I'm able to step away from my pride, and do what's expected from me.
Weaknesses: If someone has insulted me somehow, I find it hard to behave friendly toward that person. I can also care too much; and then caring becomes a downfall.
Pick One - Love, Family, Courage, Beauty, Friendship, Honor: Love, because all those other things; Family, Courage, Beauty, Friendship and Honor, can be found or be achieved trough love. :)
Pick One - Forest, Desert, Seaside, City: City, however the Forest appeals to me as well...
Pick One - Gnome, Goblin, Faery, Dragon, Unicorn, Demon: Dragon
Pick One- Horse, Fox, Dog, Turtle, Bird, Snake, Wolf: Horse
Would you mind being voted a character if the opposite sex?: No, not at all
Anything Else you'd like to add?: Umm...thanks for reading my application, and I'm very curious to who you think I am most like! :) And: my LJ cut looks like a mess, and I'm sorry for that. Livejournal has renewed itself and now iets totally crappy, and I don't know how to fix it. If anyone knows how I can fix it, please tell me! Thank you ^^
Please promote us in one community: ok!
Post at least 3 CLEAR pictures of yourself: