[Post 034] Video/Action for Olivine City

Oct 13, 2011 01:28

[The video opens in something highly reminiscent of a "home video" style, France's and Envy's faces wobbling a bit in the focus as France steadies his hold. They're taking advantage of the good weather to have a picnic at the beach; there's an open wicker basket and fancy spread in the camera's immediate background featuring angel hair pasta with ( Read more... )

oh god why, i am a french chef, france will never be cool, yep still french, *envy | fullmetal alchemist, !route_29

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Comments 36

[action] exeggutorhead October 13 2011, 06:26:20 UTC
[Seriously where did these clam-things even come from and why were they making so much noise. ...were those pearls supposed to be their heads? Why, Johto, just why.]

[He'd be very happy to just kick the lot of them away, but he's not entirely sure how France would react to him punting tiny kind-of-cute things. But if they're not going to get intimidated off he's thinking he'll set Xerxes on them.]

What are they shrieking about anyway? [He pokes at one with his foot, only to have it snap its shell shut uncomfortably close to his toes. He'll just be quickly pulling that foot back now, shooting a glare at the offending Clamperl.] Come on, go be noisy somewhere else.


[Action] of_france October 13 2011, 20:56:54 UTC
[France wouldn't care if Envy kicked the Clamperl at this point, although they are vaguely cute, just not when they're all screaming like that. France himself would kick them if he wasn't wearing new shoes. Instead, he pulls Marianne's and Thérèse's pokéballs from his coat pocket and launches them at the Clamperl, who Marianne and Thérèse are only too happy to eat attack.]

What the hell is wrong with this place?!


[Action] exeggutorhead October 15 2011, 20:30:13 UTC
A lot of things.

[Marianne and Thérèse look like they have it covered, but Envy tosses out Xerxes for good measure anyway. You can never have too much overkill against picnic-invading screaming clams. And the Luxray is just overjoyed to have something to chase around and electrocute. Envy looks so vindicated about this.]


[Action] of_france October 16 2011, 20:31:38 UTC
[France turns most of his attention back to Envy, smiling a little uncertainly.]

We can probably continue with our meal. I trust our pokemon to know what to do.

[A furious but one-sided battle rages on the sand, but France always likes to try to make the best of thing. Ah, yes, the smell of destruction and mayhem is ever so romantic.]


[Also video.] hasearthbooks October 14 2011, 12:05:02 UTC
[Here's a random blue-eyed guy with blonde dreadlocks and circular markings on his forehead. He's an alien, but you don't have to know that.]

I wouldn't attack them if I were you - they don't seem to have hostile intentions.

What is that food, by the way?


[Video] of_france October 14 2011, 23:29:32 UTC
[France pauses, glancing over his shoulder at the Clamperl that are being chased off by his pokemon and then back at the screen, a cover-up charming smile in place.]

Well, they've been taken care of, so not much else to do now!

The food is oysters with angel hair pasta and a butter cream sauce. Very delicious, if I do say so myself.


hasearthbooks October 15 2011, 11:20:50 UTC
Oysters. That explains it. They weren't hostile at all. You should have tried to catch one - they seemed strong.

Those sound delicious, indeed. European specialties, if I'm not mistaken.


of_france October 16 2011, 20:26:27 UTC
[France raises an eyebrow.]

How do you know they weren't hostile?

[He smiles slightly, a bit of his good mood returning.]

Yes! French, of course, and of the highest quality that I could obtain!


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