Mostly because of Puck/Rachel fluff (!!!) but also just the writing, and your ideas and style blend so well into your storylines and it's just like, GAH!
I know you must have heard this a LOT of times already but yeah, you should write more! Coz when the writing is this good and the story is like this, so incredibly beautiful of course we'd love to read more of this! ;P
DUDE. This is by far the best Glee fic I have read so far in my Glee reading career, and it just brought me A LOT of joy. Like, happiness and birds singing and shit.
this was a GREAT story! as mentioned, the best quality of it was your use of Puck's voice through the narrative and the growth of both Puck and Rachel. One of the most awesome things about writing young characters like these is how much they can grow in so short a time. Loved the character development, how you dealt with Babygate, and generally Puck + Rachel = love!!
in fact, this story has lead me to declare Puck as my new favorite character and so obviously I've began to stalk him on the internet. I have listened to the song on Mark Salling's website (, the song that plays before you "click to enter") a THOUSAND times!
Wow. So, I just spent the last hour reading this entire thing when I should have been doing homework and other lame finals-induced things. This was awesome and perfectly in character and hilarious and lovely and I hope you continue to write Rachel/Puck because you do it wonderfully. Seriously ♥
My favourite Glee fic so far. I have to be honest, I'm a totally sucky reviewer/commentor. And I read this, went away and read a bunch of other P/R fics and nothing compared to this one, so I had to come back and comment.
Reading it made my chest have those funny angst pains lol. Loved it and your Puck and Rachel were spot on. It was also responsible for making me only get 4 hours of sleep one night before I had a super long day the next day where I had to leave my house at 7AM and didn't get home till midnight. Needless to say, I was super tired but it was totally worth it =)
Anyways, should end my ramble here. Can't wait to read whatever else you write!
Comments 42
Mostly because of Puck/Rachel fluff (!!!) but also just the writing, and your ideas and style blend so well into your storylines and it's just like, GAH!
I know you must have heard this a LOT of times already but yeah, you should write more! Coz when the writing is this good and the story is like this, so incredibly beautiful of course we'd love to read more of this! ;P
:D :D :D
in fact, this story has lead me to declare Puck as my new favorite character and so obviously I've began to stalk him on the internet. I have listened to the song on Mark Salling's website (, the song that plays before you "click to enter") a THOUSAND times!
Reading it made my chest have those funny angst pains lol. Loved it and your Puck and Rachel were spot on. It was also responsible for making me only get 4 hours of sleep one night before I had a super long day the next day where I had to leave my house at 7AM and didn't get home till midnight. Needless to say, I was super tired but it was totally worth it =)
Anyways, should end my ramble here. Can't wait to read whatever else you write!
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