oh god no. timmy poisoned me

Jun 05, 2002 19:23

BelovedByOrcs: *offers Tinny a cookie*
of doriath: - takes - thank you timmy.
BelovedByOrcs: You're welcome. :-)
of doriath: - removes the sprinkles from it just incase -
BelovedByOrcs: No sprinkles on it
of doriath: there's 2.
of doriath: - shows -.
of doriath: they are white. i guess its safe.
of doriath: - nibbles -.
BelovedByOrcs: I didn't put them there. I made sure there were none.
of doriath: when you get a bit older...
of doriath: you will understand what I mean about you two looking cute together.
BelovedByOrcs: I made sure by putting the sprinkles on the inside.
of doriath: oh thanks.

BelovedByOrcs: I've been working on the recipe as a Father's Day gift
BelovedByOrcs: I needed test subjects. I got Denethor before... so Tinny... how are you feeling with heavy drugs in your system? I'm curious.
BelovedByOrcs: Be specific, I'm making notes.
of doriath: im fine at the moment. just a few sharp pains in my stomach.
of doriath: and my eyes are watery.
BelovedByOrcs: Good good.
Celebrimbor 235 has entered the room.
of doriath: valandil is scary
melodia asha: Hey Cele
Celebrimbor 235: hiya melodia
melodia asha: big hugs
BelovedByOrcs: Tell me when the blindness sets i.
spilos vestalis has entered the room.
of doriath: who is the queen of gondor at the moment?
of doriath: i don
of doriath: i don't get out much anymore*
theygetitfromme: my daughter
BelovedByOrcs: Arwen I'd suspect
theygetitfromme: still
of doriath: oh.
theygetitfromme: *nods*
of doriath: well, they are gonna kidnap her
of doriath: how are you celebrian?
theygetitfromme: i am bleedy
BelovedByOrcs: Gondor... or Rohan's queen? Make sure you drugged up twit.
Terzarima2001: Ah,, I miss Arwen!!
melodia asha: so does Kingy
Temptress Issy: me too:-(
of doriath: gondor, timmy
Terzarima2001: Rohan's Queen is Faramir....
of doriath: i can bareyk se
maid of tears: Haha
Terzarima2001: Is anyone in touch with her mun?
of doriath: so uim, give me the reverse sprinkles are something
maid of tears: Arwen's? Not I. :-(
Temptress Issy: i have her email
melodia asha: who is her mun?
BelovedByOrcs: Ahhh. The blindness has set in. Very good. *jots some notes*
theygetitfromme: she's done school soon and supposedly will be around more starting in a few weeks
of doriath: is this permanent?
Temptress Issy: oooh, that's good!
of doriath: [ wow i can type well with my eyes closed ]
theygetitfromme: yup
BelovedByOrcs: No...it should last a couple hours. There are some more effects to come.
of doriath: like?
theygetitfromme: ican type with my eyes closed hardly anmy mistakes at all wee my eyes are closed ic an't see what i'm doing hghaghahglasdf hello!!
BelovedByOrcs: Notice any hair loss yet? I know it's hard to tell being blind and all...but if you could run your hand through your hair for me?
BelovedByOrcs: For my notes of course.
of doriath: - runs hand through hair -
BelovedByOrcs: *notices a clump fall out*
of doriath: - clumps in hand -
of doriath: not alot.
BelovedByOrcs: Hmmm. Yes. *jots a note*
of doriath: it'll grow back quickly anyway
BelovedByOrcs: Less peppermint in the next batch I think.
maid of tears: brb, eating
maid of tears has left the room.
BelovedByOrcs: How about the ringing in your ears? Can you hear well enough?
of doriath: i can hear perfectly
of doriath: but ouch my arms ouch
BelovedByOrcs: Arms? Hmmm
BelovedByOrcs: On forseen. *makes a note*
BelovedByOrcs: Unforseen...damn being 4 and not a good speller
of doriath: anything else you need to ow ouch
beornthebearman: *raises paw* Once again... just happy to say I don't have kids.
BelovedByOrcs: Well....
of doriath: haha.
of doriath: the pain in my stomach is gone.
BelovedByOrcs: Hush, Bear Rug
of doriath: but my arms and hair.
of doriath: my lip is numb
of doriath: gi0-fd8g99f0d8g0d9sf8g90ds7fgsf
of doriath: sf98gfds8gufgpfds98gdsg
of doriath: fdg98dfgd
BelovedByOrcs: *wipes spit off face*
BelovedByOrcs: Interesting...your nose is bleeding.
of doriath: ::SPASMS::
BelovedByOrcs: Do you see any hallucinations?
of doriath: ;;drools;;
BelovedByOrcs: Eru? Ghosts? Elvis?
of doriath: scary ones. i see you with pins in your eyes and you are laughing...
of doriath: d9fsdfsdfsdfsd. you and your father are stabbing people and eating cookies and i see orcs braiding your hair sdfa wtf.
BelovedByOrcs: Of course...that was my last birthday party
of doriath: i bet
of doriath: my nose is bleeding?
BelovedByOrcs: Yes
BelovedByOrcs: You've ruined your shirt
of doriath: ;;starts shaking uncontrolably.;; fcgsf-0dgfdsdfgdfg9(&*(&
of doriath: ;;collapses;;

::on her living room floor, unconcious::
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