Name: Nym
digthenymContact: acediatheory @ aim, rockswithewoks @ plurk
Character Name: Luna Lovegood
Series: Harry Potter
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 16 & post Deathly Hallows
Requested Sponsor:N/A
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
History: Luna's wiki page < a href=""> here!
Garden History: N/A
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities:
Coming from the canon of Harry Potter, Luna is a particularly skilled witch / magic user. An explanation of how magic functions in the Harry Potter universe can be found
here. In particular, Luna is skilled in the following areas:
Patronus Charm: A very advanced and difficult charm ( more details
here), Luna's been capable of this since her fourth year and hers takes the shape of a hare.
Creativity & Innovation: Luna definitely has a handle on looking outside of the box, and her unique views on things allow her the ability of belief despite logic, which as been a phenomenally useful resource when she is on a team with more logical minded people. It also grants her a lot of imagination and innovation, such as her creating her own enchanted clothing items in canon
Dueling: In canon, Luna is seen going toe to toe against far more experienced and powerful witches than herself such as Bellatrix Lestrange
Naturalism: Luna has a habit and love for creatures, with a very wide knowledge of wildlife as well as mannerisms.
At first glance, Luna appears to live up to the nickname her classmates have given her -- Looney Luna Lovegood. She's distant, seemingly absent-minded, and her dazed expression coupled with her lilted voice and non-sequitur conversational cues seem to portray less than the picture of sanity. To say she's a bit odd is an understatement. Luna is very abstract in her thinking patterns, not only looking outside of the box but wondering what the box is made of and whether or not it's actually a box or a circle.
However, this odditiy and estrangement from conventional behavior has its advantages for Luna. She is incredibly perceptive, and also empathetic. She can pick up on the slightest observations, and it's clear that even if the eyes have been staring at a rock for twenty minutes, her mind is always at work. In the novels, Luna was sorted into the Ravenclaw house, one which holds its strengths in logic, wit, and learning. She is vastly intelligent and clever, with one of the most open minds that the series has presented. She picks up on things easily, but the most important thing that Luna seems to gain from her mind is the ability to believe.
Luna holds many bizarre and unorthodox views on the world, and while this may earn her scorn from her peers, it also allows her to hold faith in the impossible and overcome any societal impediments. If Luna believes something is right, she will support it wholeheartedly, and her imagination doesn't limit that in the slightest. JK Rowling has stated that Luna is the most likely to 'think up ten impossible things before breakfast', and her creativity and ingenuity know very weak, if any, bonds. Luna goes into things feet forward, and knows that logical and bizarre aren't mutally exclusive terms.
In terms of temperament, Luna is very calm, almost airy about most things, and doesn't get frustrated or stopped by setbacks or obstacles. She is an open hearted girl who never lets what others say bring her down. Frequently while in school Luna has been bullied, but her attitude towards it implies that she is not even aware of said bullying. Things are always taken in stride for Luna, she hardly gets angry, and her very zen temperament has been a subtle pillar of support for her friends. Luna doesn't let herself become affected by the darkness that surrounds her growing up, instead she continues to be a positive personality clad in ridiculously bright clothing.
That is not to say that Luna is never offended or bothered. While rare, Luna clearly has a few sets of principles that she adheres to. There is next to nothing she won't do for her friends, don't insult her father's beliefs or newspaper or she will speak less dreamily (perhaps even crossly), and those who wish to do harm need to be stopped. Luna's modus operandi is almost simplistic, but effective, and she has never been shown to compromise it.
On the whole Luna is one third zen, two halves imagination, and one fourth absurdity. And if you complain about that adding up to be more than one, well, she would tell you that you simply aren't paying attention.
What are your plans for the character in-game?
At first Luna will definitely be her share of disorientated, and incredibly curious as to the nature of her arrival. After she unearths the time compression, and how there is no logical way to escape from this world, she'll take to learning alternative schooling with gusto. Luna always loves the unorthodox, and to her, studying in a universe where magic is looked upon as taboo will be fascinating for her. She'll also more than likely be found researching the magic of this universe, and coming up with all sorts of outlandish theories and speculations. Luna will be intensely intrigued about the world she finds herself in, and will look at her stay there as an opportunity to literally broaden her horizons.
Anything else?
Not that I can think of!
Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire
(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as?
Oh, anything really. So long as I understand who you're talking to, as otherwise that can become quite confusing when I answer things meant for other people.
How old are you?
Sixteen and three quarters.
Do you have any history in combat?
I'm not certain as to whether it may be called a history as it has only happened the past few years. More like a period, really. And even then I don't find it to be very combative, though my opponents may state otherwise.
If so, have you ever killed?
I'd rather stay away from such things. It's an awful responsibility.
i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
Curious as to why it must be done without thought.
ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
I don't know if they can be considered leisurely if they must be organized, but I suppose it sounds rather fun. Perhaps something to do with friends.
iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
Whichever one is available, if it's not too much trouble.
iv) How talkative are you around other people?
It rather depends on the topic. You would be surprised how poorly informed most of the general public is on the Gremlin Conspiracies of 1785.
v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.
-Sheets of paper. I have always wanted to learn how to fold origami without magic and it seems as if the aforementioned situation would give me ample time to practice!
-Water, or I imagine it would be a short stay.
-A particularly difficult puzzle, so I can keep my mind exploring when the option has been denied to my feet.
vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
A narrow range works just as well, and involves a lot less remembering of names!
vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?
Not taking a chance is quite self-defeating, wouldn't you say?
viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
Only when I am feeling impulsive, which has been known to happen time to time in many short lived circumstances.
ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
That and it's quite the large waste of time- seeing as plans can be interpreted in many different ways to begin with. No plan at all is the plan that is most likely to be followed.
x) Do you like surprises?
Oh, very much so! There's always something to be said for the unexpected.
xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
It's not really a matter of wondering, as it has been politely pointed out to me several times.
xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
I don't find those to be mutually exclusive terms, I'm afraid. An intelligent person must realize that a person may disagree with them in the first place, or I fear they were not very intelligent to begin with.
xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
Quite satisfied with their consistency.
iv) Thread link:
Journal entry from mayfield_rpg, hope this is okay!