Title: Puppy School
Chapter 1/?
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Chapter Rating: PG
Part of The Spander FanFic Request List AN: Anya left to join the circus, or moved to Bora Bora, or got eaten by a giant bunny, you pick.
AN2: Also, this is so unbeta'd it's the anti-beta.
Puppy School 1/? )
Comments 12
I want a hellhound!
found a couple typos: first sentence should have "currently" not "current" and the part where Xander is explaining how he found the puppy? you have "ally" when it should be "alley"
Oh, and I spit on the rest of the Scoobies. They better not hurt the puppy.
Thanks for sharing! Happy writing, update soon please!
Tabee :)
As for the rest of the Scoobies (and even I admit to a little bashing) I'm sure my muse has something in store... though you'll know about when I do ^.^
Merry Christmas!
"It seemed that while Max had no desire to attack Spike,"
Um unless Max is a nickname for Doomsday, I'm confused. But I totally want more!!!!!!!!!
Decided the change the puppies name half way through the fic, obviously missed a spot or two. Thanks for the heads up.
Oh, and I'm working on the next chapter at the moment ^.^
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