Title: The End Of The Beginning
Part: XVII
Title: What lies between
Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually)
Overall Rating: NC17
Chapter Rating: PG13
shakatany the great
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just play with them and put them back all squeaky clean.
AN: Hey guys guess what... I got nominated for the
FangFetish awards. Thank you to my nomination fairy!
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Comments 18
Thanks for keeping up with it =]
Thanks for the comment!
Although I'm really proud of Xander for dusting all those vamps. Poor vamps, death by stone angel. Ha!
Xander's emotional meltdown was... well, it was kinda awesome, but in a wow, that was really realistic kinda way, not the, yay! Xander is freaking out way.
Does Willow have a spell for tracking souls? That's just.. odd.
I find it funny that people assume Heaven is a happy place. Now, I'm not saying it isn't or that I don't want it to be, it just struck me as funny that's all. Maybe I should have left that out... oh well.
Now they can go home and Spike an sleep in Xander's bed again. With Xander. Go cute!
Thanks for sharing, happy writing, and update soon please!
Tabee :)
Not sure Willow actually has a spell for tracking souls, but I figured a little bit of poetic licence was called for.
Don't really think heaven is happy perse but I don't think "she's content" really has the same punch.
Thanks for another fun comment.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
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