Title: Five Things Rai Misses About Having Short Hair
Fandom: Lamento - Beyond the Void
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Asato, Bardo, mild RaixKonoe
Warnings: bit of humor, bit of fluff
Disclaimer: I am just a loyal slave to Nitro+Chiral.
Five Things Rai Misses About Having Short Hair
1. Not being underestimated
Not now. One has to be pretty stupid to underestimate six solid feet of grumpy cat with a very sharp sword. He is talking about back then, when he first started growing his hair out, and a bunch of idiot boys, who thought the first fuzz on their faces made them the best thing since sliced bread, got it in their heads that it would be fun to tease him about it. He doesn't remember how long he put up with their jeers and pushes, afraid of ruining things with Bardo if he got into a fight, just as he doesn't remember what finally pushed him over the edge. All he does remember from that day is the feeling of heady triumph at seeing pure, unadulterated fear dawning on their faces, and Bardo's shocked expression when he came home covered in blood, still smiling about how their noses had given under his knuckles with the most satisfying crunch.
2. Being dry
He hates getting wet these days, because long hair takes forever to dry. It used to be nice, to just throw a towel over his head and be done with it, instead of spending the better part of an hour squeezing rainwater out of the soaked strands, hoping against hope that he won't catch a cold.
"Are you sure you're not part sponge, Rai?" Konoe asks as Rai squeezes another handful of muddy rainwater out of his hair, his eyes dancing with amusement from where he is sitting next to the fire, comfy and warm and absolutely dry.
He ignores him and tries to twist his hair another half turn, but that turns out to be too much as the coil suddenly springs into a funny loop, and Konoe starts snickering. It may be childish, but Rai derives no small amount of satisfaction from Konoe's high-pitched yelp when he flings the next handful of water at him.
3. Not getting bed-head
Braiding it helps, but not much. Even at the risk of sounding like a woman, he sometimes can't help but wonder if there's a genetic predisposition for particularly vicious knots and tangles. Konoe makes him feel vain enough to actually get up an hour earlier to deal with the mess, like a dirty secret. There is one incident that can still bring an embarrassed flush to his face when he thinks about it, how Asato came in through the wrong window and found him with a hairbrush hopelessly stuck in what had to resemble a bird's nest, tugging and pulling and cursing himself and the world and the goddamn pretty kitty still asleep down the hallway. Since then, he has been cutting the black cat some slack, and Asato tactfully does not say anything.
4. No ribbons
He may be young, but he prides himself on his instincts. He should have listened to them when Bardo brought home the suspicious girly pink bag. When Bardo started rummaging in it while humming and throwing sidelong looks at him, he should have listened to them when they told him to run. Now, all that's left for him is to silently curse his growth spurt as he is trying to fit his body into the niche behind the stove, listening for Bardo's footsteps with his heart practically up in his throat.
"Rai, don't be like that," Bardo cajoles, floorboards creaking under his boots. "I just want to see what it looks like, I promise!"
"I bought blue ones. Blue for boys."
"Rai-chaaaaaan," Bardo whines. "Don't be mad. But you look so cute, I---"
He really, really should have listened when his instincts told him to swallow his pride. "I AM NOT CUTE!"
The door opens. Bardo grins. He is doomed.
5. Not having somebody yank it
Granted, the only one crazy enough to try is Konoe. Sometimes, Rai hates that for all his statements to the contrary, Konoe is actually a very smart cat, and was quick to figure out that Rai's threats of inflicting bodily harm on his person are, in fact, quite empty. This can be attributed to the fact that Rai also has an unhealthy fondness for a certain pair of amber eyes, but he thinks (hopes) that Konoe doesn't know about that.
Yank. "Hey, don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!"
Yankyank. "Raiiiii, I'm bored."
Yank. "Shut up, you're so mean!"
YANK. "I love you, you fool." Smooch.
…Alright, maybe he can forgive the last one.
A/N: I leave Rai with very little dignity here, don't I. But it's so FUN. XDDDD
- Bardo is such a weirdo. I blame
sexual_ennui and her squeeing over BardoxRai.
- Long hair can be a sign of power. *nerd*
Oh, and before I forget: Comments are love, and feed the bunnies. ^^
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