Title: Covalent Bonds, or The Absolutely Necessary GG College AU Fic with a Bad Title
Fandom: Guilty Gear
Part: 7 of ?
Pairing: mild Sol-Ky distillate
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: college-AU, humor/parody/crack
Summary: Sol is your not-so everyday mad science professor, and he hates the universe. That is, until he meets- Well, no. He's still going to hate the
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Comments 12
Glad you enjoyed it. :)
I-no also minored in MILF
The implication of I-no being a mom is terrifying.
She eats babies, so she figures that is close enough for the degree.
Does she lure them with her milkshake-making skills?
You can't say it doesn't work, either. XD Ky's just too respectful to fall for it.
"To dip her car in liquid nitrogen."
Ah, Sol. Well at least you're not overreacting.
XD I-no is creepy in any universe... she wouldn't be I-no if she weren't, ne? *laughs* Oh, nothing is a match... except rationale, and logic, and hygiene, if you ask Ky (Sol just scowls and flips him off).
Thank you, I hope it won't be long.
How did I miss the existence of this chapter.
It is fantastic. It took me a minute to identify those as turrets, which is sad, really. I shall now pimp this to the people who like Portal as well.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. This may or may not have been influenced by the release of Portal 2, which I sadly can't play, but nevertheless enjoy greatly.
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