FIC ■ LEFT 4 DEAD;; p-p-poker face

Dec 27, 2009 17:21

HAHAH UUUH. This is a totally random, pointless drabble I did to try to get myself back into the writing groove. As well as try to get a handle on how all these guys sit in my head. DURR HURR. Just posting this to show some peeps.

Don't ask Nick about his. → 782 words [ Nick, Ellis & Keith ]
Nick quickly realized that playing poker with two southern idiots was not the best way to pass the time.

The conman had known the second they stepped into the so-called "Clean Zone" that he'd be bored out of his goddamn mind. He was fairly surprised to come across a deck of playing cards in the half assed "Recreation Area," and he'd quickly pocketed the pack as his own. Nick hadn't touched a deck of cards since the whole zombie bullshit started and it felt nice, almost calming, to feel the smooth surface of King of Spades again.

Although the second Ellis said: "'Ey Nick, let's you, me and Keith play somethin'!" Nick knew it would end in a headache.

Yes, Keith. Fucking Keith. Nick had nearly choked to death on goddamn air when they'd finally gone through inspection and Ellis suddenly ran from their side, whooping and hollering with his arms in the air. It wasn't until he collided with a man in the distance, wrapping him in a fierce bear hug and shouting "KEITH!" did Nick realize that shit, Keith actually existed, he was alive and he must be some kind of crazy asshole from all the stories Ellis told.

However, when Keith held out his hand for Nick to shake, showing a forearm covered in pinkish scar tissue and said: "Thanks fer watchin' out for my idiot lil' brother, m'Keith" Nick realized that, shit, maybe he wasn't going to totally hate this redneck.

( "Keith, ain't I older than you by like a month? And don't confuse 'em, we ain't really brothers! Stop laughin' you sumbitch!" )

So here Nick was, sitting across from two hicks, who a month ago he would not have had anything to do with, playing poker after getting through a goddamn zombie apocalypse. Nick had stopped questioning things a long time ago.

Ellis, which was a surprise to no one, sucked at poker. He had no game face and he might as well have been yelling out what kind of hand he had during each draw. Keith was pretty good though, Nick had to admit. The younger man kept his stubbled chin resting on his hand as he moved a toothpick across his lips. The scar tissue on his arm was much more obvious and Nick had to inwardly wince - that had to have hurt. He'd have to give Ellis a little credit, his stories hadn't been entirely bullshit.

They'd played a few hands before Ellis spoke up. "Man. I keep thinkin' a'this song an' I can't remember how it went."

Nick sighed and rubbed his temple. "Really, Overalls?"

Ellis looked over his cards at him. "What? I do! Don't ya hate that? One time I hadda song stuck in mah head for like a week an'..."

Keith suddenly put his hand on top of Ellis' head. "What was th'song, El?"

Oh yeah, Nick was definitely going to like Keith. He couldn't help a tiny smirk before he looked back down at his cards.

"Oh yeah! Uh, hm... it wasn't th'kinda music you usually had goin' at the garage. I think I heard it random on th'radio one time. It was a girl singin' about poker though..." Ellis trailed off, looking back at his cards.

Keith looked over at his friend for a moment before snickering softly, the toothpick going up and down between his lips. "I think I know what yer talkin' about..." he looked over at Nick. "D'you know, city slicker?"

Nick raised his brows. A girl singing a song about poker...? Oh wait. Fuck.

"Oh hell no. Do you know how many times I had to hear the fucking piece of crap song? It wasn't funny or clever the first time," Nick grumbled as his lips turned into a fine line.

In one quick instant, the passive look on Keith's face turned into probably one of the best shit eating grins Nick had ever seen in his life. "So would y'say that people... can't read your, can't read your poker face, Nick?"

"Shut up and play," Nick ground out between his teeth.

"You like to hold'em like they do in Texas, please?"

"Jesus Christ, I will not hesitate to punch you in the face."

"Muh, muh, muh, muuuuuh..."

Nick let out a groan and slammed his cards down on the table. Scratch that, Nick hated Keith. Hated him and all he stood for.

Ellis, meanwhile, was practically beaming. "Man, Nick. I'm so glad that you an'Keith get along!"

"Shut up, Ellis."

type ► fic, fandom ► left 4 dead

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