I decided one way to get through-to the nanowrimo finish line might be to blog about it. So...here I am.
Day 2 (Saturday) was relatively fruitful. I was able to sit at my favorite haunt at 8 or so in the morning, enjoy a fresh cup of drip coffee, and a slice of banana bread couresy of the vegan barista with the awesome tattoos! Julia, you make a mean vegan banana bread! Gluten free too.
The other good thing was a continuation of day 1's forward progress, namely another 987 words. I went with my intrepid leading man conducting an interview with the murder victim's grieving friend. She says friends but I have my doubts. We shall see. Part of me thinks I should have all the answers already but the other part thinks I've got about as much of an outline as I'm going to get, and now I need to just let go and see what other discoveries I make along the way. I'm 33,000 words into this thing--no, I don't write that prolifically; most of those words have been written since LAST nanowrimo. Anyway, just trying to remember that November should also be NO-vember, as in NO internal editing or self defeating thoughts.
More coffee please...
Sunday was a wash, as I figured it would be. The trick will be to see how I can continue to fit writing into my 8-4:30 existence. I do my best work in the morning before the work monsters come to eat my brain cells, or I start thinking about laundry and dinner. That means getting the boy to school earlier than he might like and getting to work later than I might like...Oh well...