Since moderating can suck up a good deal of time that many of us don't always have, I'm opening this up to applications for full mods and part time mods. Check below the cut for more details on the time commitments associated with each.
Pretty standard stuff here: fill out the form below. No experience required.
- Your preferred name, birth, screen, or other.
- A working email address (this won't be shared if you'd like it kept private).
- Any previous or current moderating experience.
- Your reason for wanting to be a mod at offthebox.
Full Mod. One to two challenge posts a months (initial challenge post, at least one (semi) mid-week reminder, voting, and results) as well as frequently checking for and replying to applications and help updating accepted show, userinfo, affiliates, and other such posts. As well, every so often you may be asked to help make decisions regarding future plans for the community.
Part-Time Mod. More like a mod-in-reserve. Your job would essentially be to help out with any and all of the above mentioned duties should one of the regular posting mods be for some reason unable.
Other. If there's some other aspect you'd like to help out with, let me know about it.
All comments are screened. I hope to be able to make an announcement by the end of the week, if at all possible.