I had the greatest time in Jacksonville. I really wasn't sure if I should have gone, considering it emptied my bank account and I hate flying, but I am so glad I did. It was an adventure from the minute I landed! When I got there I knew Gina was picking me up but had no idea what she looked like, so I was kind of scared about them. I asked Aimee and she told me to "look for wings." Haha, anyway, she came w/ Lisa, Trish, and Lindz and I recognized Lindz so it wasn't an issue. While on our way to baggage I asked if we were just going back to the hotel or if they had anything planned. Lindz laughed and replied that there were two options- they could drive me back to the hotel or we could return to hang out with the guys they had met at a local bar. What guys? Oh, the band's truck drivers. Me: What?! How'd you find them? Gina: Oh, well we saw the trucks so we followed them. God, I love those girls! I was in Jackonsville for five minutes before it started getting crazy. :D.
I am in love with the bar we went to. As I found out Jacksonville is not like the rest of Florida, but is instead connected more to the deep south. The place was such a dive, but it was fantastic! Nothing like NY bars. So huge and gross w/ lots of country western music. I just really loved the down home atmosphere. Ahh, the Tailgate bar holds a special place in my heart.
And the truckers...what can I say? Great guys! I walked in and one of them picked me up. Like...literally, then proceeded to carry me away. Ahh, it was such an amazing time. Pool and beer and pizza (bought by Aerosmith, the band pays for their food...lol) and lots of Skynyrd. The guys are all really...Southern. And just really nice, funny people. One of them brought me to the trucks (not the GREATEST idea, I know, but the girls said they were right behind me) and I got to see his pass and the tour itinerary (with all of the bands hotel info for every show!! They were in Orlando both Fri and Sat night though). To my surprise, he acted like a total gentleman. Then Trish knocked on the door to see if "the little one" was okay. Once again, I love those girls so much. We all headed back for the bar and just hung out until last call. By the end of the night Lindz and I had been invited to go on tour, hence the last (albeit drunk) post. I don't know what's going on with that. Obviously I'm not going to quit school and follow a roadie around, but damn I want to! I'm going to Greensboro...we'll see what happens.
Even the couple of hours back at the hotel were amazing. Aimee and Barb (my roommies) hadn't gotten in yet so I stayed with Lindz, Trish, and Jenn. Lindz and I were the only ones who were not-so-sober (figures, the only illegal ones!) and it was great just acting stupid. When she fell into the wall trying to get her pants on...omg, funniest thing I've ever seen. Ahh, great time! Finally Gina came back with my stuff (she had disappeared earlier and we took a taxi home) and told us she thought we had been in trucks the whole time. She said she was w/ a few of the guys watching the lot to see us come out then the truck lights had gone out and she figured we had done the groupie thing. That was another 1/2 an hour of laughter. I eventually gave up on Aimee and Barb (I think Barb's flight was delayed)and decided I'd shower and crash w/ Lindz. While I'm in the shower Aimee opens the door and screams "GET OUT OF THE SHOWER! JOHN B. IS HERE!" Still a little buzzed, I believed her and nearly killed myself trying to get out. Hahaha, gotta love it.
The rest of the night was uneventful. Saturday was pretty boring. I was tired and didn't do much. We headed over to show around 5 and met up with the truckers again. Of course the show was amazing. My seventh row seat ended up being in the square, on Joe's catwalk. :D. I actually prefer being on the outside of Joe's catwalk. The're a more direct view of the stage and when the guys come down they face that direction more. Still absolutely amazing though. Steven rejected me and my sign...ahhh whateeever, still love him. No Steven moments at all this time though :(. I don't even think he stopped by us! Well, he did many times, but he was always turned towards the other side. Still fucking unbelievable. Ooh, and lots of Joe moments this time! I've said this before, but that man gets hotter EVERY day. Goddd. Of course the beatdown was right in front of me, I'm 4 for 4 on that! And Brad played Train RIGHT in front of me for like a minute and a half! That was surprising. I wasn't sure how to act with Brad, lol. The people next to me were grabbing him and everything but I thought he'd dislike that so I kind of just stared at him. We actually locked eyes for the longest time. Brad! Weird. Ooh, and I never noticed the color of his eyes. OMG, they're an amazing sparkly green. Oh yeah, and once while Joe was in front of me (the closest I've been to Joe, I think) I mouthed "Thank you" and he nodded. Ahh, I'm in love with that man. And what a mood he was in! Before the beat down he started yelling "You want more? You want more?" So unJoe like, lol. And they played Toys! The whole thing was just amazing.
Then it took us two hours to find somewhere to eat. And I was freezing. It was like...30 degrees.
Yeah, that's about it. I hate that I'm home right now. I miss everyone so much.
http://nyu.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2015439&l=730b8&id=821179the show ones suck because I got a new camera and didn't know that I shouldn't use zoom or that using flash even w/o the zoom when the spotlight was on the guys would screw the picture up so bad. Whatever, there are a few good ones of the pre-party on Friday.