
Aug 27, 2011 20:39

4th WALL BREAKING: I'm not a big fan of it, but occasionally tapping the fourth wall is okay.
THREADJACKING: You don't even have to ask.
BACK THREADING: I have other commitments and so do you, so I appreciate a little patience. It goes a long way.

MIND READING: Go for it. Her mind is full of kittens. Just let me know so that I can give you the necessary information in my tags.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: Tear can and will kick your ass. She is level 120 and very hot while doing it.

Okay, more elaboration, taken directly from her application:

Since Tear is a Tales of character, she has access to a thorough list of offensive and defensive moves known as Artes. The full list is here. As a trained soldier, she has notable prowess in battle and is capable of working alone for extended periods of time. She is can handle multiple opponents at once, and her agility and quick thinking are not to be underestimated. She is mostly a long-range fighter, but she is dangerous up close as well, utilizing push knives in addition to her staff to keep enemies at a distance.

She is also a valuable caster. With proper training and equipment, she can even outperform the party mage in some situations, though her skills are best put to use as a healer. She can buff and heal multiple party members at the same time, though this has limitations; her biggest heals are more gradual and require staying in the area of the spell to be most effective. Her greatest asset is in the form of Yulia's hymns, powerful fonic artes unique to her family line. There are seven verses in all, each with a unique function: sometimes protection, or to annihilate the opponent, or to put enemies to sleep harmlessly. It should be noted that only a select few are born with the ability to use the Seventh Fonon. She's capable of reading the Score, too.

INJURY/DEATH: Please let me know first.
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Let's roll for it. :D
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: She is fit and healthy. Also she has remarkably large melons, for those curious.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: She is canonically head over heels for Luke, but you are welcome to try.
SEXUAL RELATIONS: Hahahahahahah... next question.
PHYSICAL CONTACT: It's all good with me, but expect to be slapped if your character cops a feel.

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: Tear once suffered from miasma poisoning. It was healed only through one of her friends dying. Um, and she killed her brother. Also like half of the people she knows have died, and she's an orphan. She despises people who bully others, having gone through that herself. On the flip side, she is absolutely crazy for cute things. And ghost stories terrify her.

Triggery things for me, as a mun, include drug use, heavy drinking, and non-consentual sex. I'll let you know if something makes me uncomfortable, but for the most part this shouldn't be an issue while playing.

!permissions, @splendorocity

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