Warnings ; None, cept making fun of Zelos and Haseo being a grump.
Feelings : Sense of shock and exasperation.
Color Guide: Maroon is Isabelle. Blue is Zelos. Orange is Beat. Pink is Shiki. Red is Lloyd.
So everyone's set then..I'll meet Kuhn, Atoli and PI at the Chaos Gate.." He muttered aloud, quietly logging into The World and his eyes were flooded with bright colors. Haseo walked out of the Chaos Gate, "What were the area words again..? Why can't I remember..?"
"The Area Words are ^Unexpected Irritating Mindbreaking, " A familiar voice chirped, obnoxiously cheerful. Raising an eyebrow, Haseo blinked at the sight of Isabelle Lightwood holding a huge sword longer than her own body, leaning on it much like a cane, she proceeded to point it at him before laughing. "Wow this is really heavy. I like my whip better. Couldn't they add a whip to this game? " Haseo just stared open mouthed. "How did you---"
"Whoa look at this yo! It's a scy---OW! " Wasn't that--..his eyes widened further. "Beat?" Beat was standing holding a very large scythe, above him red numbers said, -1000. "Aw shit I think I killed myself, yo..." His figure blurred out, before another sound hit his ears,
"Gosh Beat you're so clumsy sometimes, here ya go!" And there was Shiki, dressed like a Harvest Cleric with a large staff, "Ol Repth!" With that spell Beat was brought back to life, his stats going back up. Shiki turned with a bright smile, waving her staff around as she twirled. "Soooo isn't this outfit like, super-cute? I designed it myself! Maybe I should have picked a better name..what do you think Haseo?"
"..I think mine is five times sexier, to be honest, hunny. Look at these abs!~ " Prancing down the street came Zelos, dressed not unlike Yata, no shirt on, puffy pants and wooden sandals, waving a fan around. The whole party turned to look at him mutely. "....That's a chick, yo." Beat said after a pause, to which the whole group began to laugh, minus Haseo and Zelos, who was gawking in place.
Behind Zelos was his friend, Lloyd, waving two blades around with a badly designed scarf on top of his head. "Hey look guys, I got two swords here too! ..I kinda got confused at the 'customization part'...there were lots of buttons but I look cool, right? " He grinned dorkily at the pair as Isabelle muttered something about, 'Stupid' while Shiki proceeded to lecture Beat about her outfit, Zelos tried to hit on Isabelle, Lloyd began to babble to Haseo about how cool his weapons were, and Haseo mutely, oh so mutely, began walking off, not sure how to comprehend this.
"Whoa sweet! My weapons can disappear too now! Look at this Zelos!"
"I'm not looking yo, it's just kinda revealing, ya know?"
"MY OUTFIT IS NOT REVEALING. It's stylish..right Haseo?"
"Hey Haseo where are you going? ^Unexpected Irritating Mindbreaking isn't over there!"
Not pausing to look behind him,
he ran a hand through his hair, walking to the Chaos Gate.
"I'm pretty sure I"m already there.." He mumbled.
[Glancing at the Dreamberry Haseo couldn't help but supress a faint shudder at the idea of all his new friends being players in The World. All of them in one party..? No. Just no. Sighing, he flipped of the Device, although not without a brief snort at some of the circumstances. ]