Title: All Roads Lead to You
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Words: 323
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by JKR + affiliates
Prompt: Time Turner
The grass in the little park prickled Harry's back as he and Draco watched the clouds drift by.
“Question for a question?” Harry turned to face Draco and smiled.
“Okay. My turn?”
“What was your favourite toy as a kid?” Draco looked to be thinking very hard about this. Likely has to sort through hundreds of gifts to figure it out, thought Harry fondly.
“My first set of gobstones,” he said with a nod. “What did you think of most often when you wanked as a teenager?”
“What? Anything goes, so buck up, Potter.”
“Fine, Malfoy. God. Being tied up.”
“Kinky.” There was a promising leer on Draco's face when Harry looked at him. He asked his question to take his mind off the heat pooling in his belly.
“Who was the first boy you kissed?”
“A kid named Martin. We were running around in the gardens at home and he pecked me right on the lips.”
“I can picture your scandalized face. I bet you had to chase your suitors off with a polished stick.”
“Oh shut up, I was four! Besides, it's not my fault they recognized my dazzling looks and flawless skin.”
“Sure Draco. It's your turn.” The man beside him tilted his head at the clouds and the mood between them lost its playful air. Draco turned on his side and stared.
“If you had a time turner, no limitations, what would you change?” Harry felt the surprise form on his face. He rose to his knees and really looked at his flatmate, best friend and lover. The years flitted through his memory: the challenges and happy times and tragedies that had made up their lives so far, made them who they were.
“Nothing,” he said with absolute conviction. Draco leaned back again with a dazzling smile on his face and dragged Harry down to bestow a soft kiss to his lips. “I wouldn't change a thing.”