Title: A Moment of Seized Peace
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Drama
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Words: 200
Warnings: AU (set directly after escaping the fiendfyre)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by JKR + affiliates
Prompt: Marauder's Map
Harry freed his jumbled thoughts from their cage of confusion. Draco, was his first thought and the second was that he had to follow him.
“Ron, Hermione, find McGonagall! Tell her we're nearly ready!” He scrambled to his feet and the sound of his pounding across stone and broken glass seemed deafening as Harry strained to catch up to Draco. When he finally saw a flash of blond hair as he turned a corner, Harry redoubled his efforts and called out his name.
Draco whirled and stared at him and Harry pushed him into a gaping hole in the wall.
The next thing he was aware of was jagged stone pressing into his back and hands clutching his arms and Draco's trembling lips pressing against his. Harry gave back all he could, desperately trying to condense his overwhelming emotions into that one stolen moment.
“Take this. Be safe,” he gasped and shoved the Marauder's Map into Draco's waistband. “I have one more thing to do, then this is over.”
“Don't you dare die on me, Harry!” Draco whispered and clutched him impossibly closer.
“We'll be together soon, promise. I love you, so much.”
“Love you, too. Come back to me.”