Re: This is a very, very Judeo-Christian metaphysicsoftheeastApril 6 2006, 02:09:59 UTC
Honey I've read the book and am proficient in Neo pagan metaphysics, and in Hindu and Chinese metaphysics for that matter . If you would like I can take a crack at them from that standpoint. In all honesty the best "model" for pagan metaphysics would be the Hindu model not what the french guy has to say.
Re: This is a very, very Judeo-Christian metaphysicsoftheeastApril 6 2006, 03:19:29 UTC
Now then the Hindu rationale as to why God is ultimately good? Well God wills only good. In fact as far as we can tell God is the only entity that wills only good. (Brahman the barely defined over deity.) The lesser deities seem to will evil and good. Good aand evil exist in creation but creation is at its heart good; in fact in the Hindu texts where evil is created in conjunction with and is ascribed a positive role as it allows us to distinguish what is good. Nothing is ever cut and dry in Hinduism. So the creation of evil was not in fact evil rather the pursuit of evil as opposed to good is evil; evils existence is simply a fact of the universe. In this way God for the Hindus gets to remain "good" and evil gets to be created; all and all a fairly tidy solution.
Re: This is a very, very Judeo-Christian metaphysicsrealimposterApril 6 2006, 13:39:30 UTC
I think your explanation here seems accurate, though I would caution you to better define your terms here. "Good" and "evil" get really tricky once you leave the world of the Abrahamaic faiths.
'Nothing is ever cut and dry in Hinduism.'
Dead on. The very concept of "good" in Hinduism is very different than that we find in our Western society. It's much more of a right flow vs. wrong flow issue than one of immanent morality or just cause.
Re: This is a very, very Judeo-Christian metaphysicsoftheeastApril 6 2006, 03:05:47 UTC
Ok first he is a right wing nut. Second he purporrts to be a proponent of paganism, I would argue that he is simply erecting a utopian vision of paganism that is entirely and gratuitously false. Are we to believe that the pagans of yore were peace loving concientous folk? The noble savage myth rehashed with celtic underpinnings? No even worse the ubermensch of his German idol recast in the form of a high priest of local worship. He's fascist.
I would direct your attention to the myths of many Native American people who posit that they are the only people born as people everyone else are descended from animals. There is nothing complimentary about various pagan systems of worhip unless you refer to the mix and match your own pantheon mentality that pervades the modern movement in the US.
The glories of Europe and the flower of manhood crushed under the heel of monotheism. Excuse me if I am unimpressed.
Re: This is a very, very Judeo-Christian metaphysicsrealimposterApril 6 2006, 03:22:27 UTC
'I would direct your attention to the myths of many Native American people who posit that they are the only people born as people everyone else are descended from animals. There is nothing complimentary about various pagan systems of worhip unless you refer to the mix and match your own pantheon mentality that pervades the modern movement in the US.'
I don't think I disagree with you here.
But on the broader point, it sounds to me you don't like Alain de Benoist because he posits a system that doesn't like sympathy and pity. Is this your chief issue? Or that he's a "utopian"?
Re: This is a very, very Judeo-Christian metaphysicsoftheeastApril 6 2006, 04:25:56 UTC
no that he would cite historical phenomenon in a manner that is both inaccurate and purposefully calculaterd to grant credence to his notions. Alsoo the whol fascist concept doesn't sit well wth me.
Descriptions do not limit nor do they claim to be all encompassing they merely describe a part much in the same way that any manifestation of Divinity is a part of the infinite whole. Emphasis mine
( ... )
Creation is an act of artistry. You think art is a neutral act? Mayb if it is the equivalent of divine breathing but if it is consciouus then I ascribe to it a positive light. God would have had to wanted to create to create. And that want to me is indicitive of good.
Comments 26
I recommend this text for a look at the potential depth and the extent of the alternative that a genuine pagan metaphysical position would present:
This book is very dense and spends roughly 50 percent of the time deconstructing the Judeo-Christian worldview.
'Nothing is ever cut and dry in Hinduism.'
Dead on. The very concept of "good" in Hinduism is very different than that we find in our Western society. It's much more of a right flow vs. wrong flow issue than one of immanent morality or just cause.
I would direct your attention to the myths of many Native American people who posit that they are the only people born as people everyone else are descended from animals. There is nothing complimentary about various pagan systems of worhip unless you refer to the mix and match your own pantheon mentality that pervades the modern movement in the US.
The glories of Europe and the flower of manhood crushed under the heel of monotheism. Excuse me if I am unimpressed.
I don't think I disagree with you here.
But on the broader point, it sounds to me you don't like Alain de Benoist because he posits a system that doesn't like sympathy and pity. Is this your chief issue? Or that he's a "utopian"?
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