myungsoo/yoon sojoon, pg
I can only hold my breath and watch you
I can only do that because I feel like you’ll shatter
You’re looking at me (you’ll do that),
you’re not looking at me (you won’t do that)
{infinite - paradise}
myungsoo always saw him. They would meet as myungsoo went to the school (in the morning), when both of them came back to the different house (in the evening) and when he went to the unknown destination (in the weekend). they always meet in a same train and myungsoo always found him doing anything by himself. In the morning, myungsoo noticed he would busy texting, drinking coffee and listening to music as he came back to his home, and playing with his phone in the weekend.
his feature was surprisingly common. myungsoo noted himself, he could find youngster like him anywhere in the town. he was skinny, tall with fair white skin. he always wearing casual tees, sometimes added with checkered shirt or full frame glasses (outside his usual boring uniform). but myungsoo found he was strangely catching his attention among train passengers.
one day, myungsoo found him sobbing quietly. at the corner, in the last train. he didn’t plug in his ipod and let the earphone dangling from his half zipped postman bag. myungsoo gripped his bag harder, hesitating between he voluntarily patted the boy’s back or just watching him from afar. in the end, myungsoo just following from behind to look after him. and no eye contact for that day, like they usually shared the other day.
for the entire week after that encounter, myungsoo barely could see him anywhere. in the weekend, myungsoo almost got in a same train with him. but, myungsoo was faster. he saw that boy outside the departing train at the usual station. and when myungsoo was waiting for him for 3 hours at their neighborhood station, he didn’t appear.
at thursday, myungsoo finally saw him at his usual place. half asleep on his usual seat. slowly, myungsoo took his steps to his seat and sat beside him. realized someone disturbing his sleep, he just opened his eyes a little and shifted. they stayed silent until the stoic woman’s voice said they had arrived at their destination.
the boy quickly rose from his seat. but myungsoo stopped him by gripping his arm.
“hey, do you mind to walk together with me?”