_mah_ wrote in
Apr 07, 2005 21:33
hey ya'll!* well thanks Kayla for lettin me be a co-mod =). Well i really dunno what kind of theam would be good LoL* but I'll be thinkin ;).y0u alL can c0me j0in mine and Marie's c0mmunity if you it is tckle_me_piink*.Well imma try to stay active LoL*But i have to go* l0ve y0u alL*
kayla_renee18 wrote in
Apr 04, 2005 20:05
We need to have a theme for this community, condrats on our 2 new co-mods!! Kara Rae Dinsmore , and Morgan Alyse(sp?)Henry!! I love you all* I am thinking about getting one more co-mod! comment if you would like to be one! Comment and tell me about the comods and about ideas for the 'theme update'
kayla_renee18 wrote in
Apr 03, 2005 16:24
First 3 members auto accepted =) Still do and app..It's in the info*
I need 2 co-mods, comment if you want to be one!