That's pretty shitty of someone to do. I'm sorry, Alex. :[
But, thinking about it, it just makes you look like ten times the better person than he is. And he can get sucked back into his drug habit if he wants to... It's his choice.
I just hope you get your Radiohead CDs back somehow.
Hrm. If I want to be (this) lame- I could always ask Sam or Brent to get them for me when they're at his house some time. Or I could just talk to him (like I've been meaning to do, but don't).
The Erickson's'd do it for you, Cho Cho. But maybe you should talk to him, rekindle a friendship, if you see fit. Though I don't see illegals as a very healthy escape and/or way to deal. What do I know though. And as for P Murray, what else is there to say about him ohter than his name? har
gosh i love writing long responses to commentsoh_a_oApril 13 2005, 21:13:06 UTC
Yeah... Sam already offered to get 'em for me 'cos she read my entry, but I told her I should probably talk to him, considering I don't hate him & all. & I really wanna hang out with this kids more again, so I figure it'd be better to rid of all awkward tension (or any tension at all). I might even make a short appearance on Saturday at their kick arse potluck SaWeeeeeeeeet.
& about the 'illegals'- nobody would have figured you to find it a healthy way to deal, but thanks for being concerned <3 You know I love you, babycakes. How often do I do that shit anyway- even though it was mainly because of Brandon that I didn't keep doing it before (that & my having to be at work the next morning every time I had the chance... & I hate that feeling). It's weird how I felt compelled to still not do anything after I broke up with him, though & then he just went and did it anyway- which really- I must admit... Makes me feel like shit. But it happens, I guess.
Comments 10
Herzog needs to have a party when I don't have to work.
I demand it.
That or I'll just try to hang out with -S-J- soon.
I figure you're a given, slut.
You're always there.
& I was refering more to how to get the alcohol
Everything else is always within reach (a given)
But, thinking about it, it just makes you look like ten times the better person than he is. And he can get sucked back into his drug habit if he wants to... It's his choice.
I just hope you get your Radiohead CDs back somehow.
Hrm. If I want to be (this) lame- I could always ask Sam or Brent to get them for me when they're at his house some time. Or I could just talk to him (like I've been meaning to do, but don't).
& about the 'illegals'- nobody would have figured you to find it a healthy way to deal, but thanks for being concerned <3 You know I love you, babycakes. How often do I do that shit anyway- even though it was mainly because of Brandon that I didn't keep doing it before (that & my having to be at work the next morning every time I had the chance... & I hate that feeling). It's weird how I felt compelled to still not do anything after I broke up with him, though & then he just went and did it anyway- which really- I must admit... Makes me feel like shit. But it happens, I guess.
PMurray... Um. PMurray.(brokenheartuntilfurthernotice-butisntthatsnothingnew
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