Title: Arctic Heat
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: R
Spoilers: None!
House was bent awkwardly over his cane, his dark, rumpled blazer falling open to reveal a faded black t-shirt. He hung his head in exasperation, but his upturned eyes were still fixed on Wilson; the icy blue irises brilliantly blazing forth from the sunken, otherwise lusterless eyes cast an Arctic chill over Wilson's heart. It also made his cock go from three to seven inches in just under five seconds.
What Wilson felt was raw terror verging on panic; but was he terrified of House, or did he fear the scarcely containable, animal desire that was rapidly tingling its way from crotch to sternum? That cold azure gaze exerted a gravitational pull that he unavailing sought to resist. Without realizing it, he felt his hand slowly spread over and grip House's hand, which was wrapped tightly around the knob of his now quivering cane. Violently, House mashed his mouth against Wilson's, prying it open and forcibly thrusting his probing tongue within. His flesh pleasantly burning with desire and the friction of House's ever-present stubble, Wilson cast his fear aside and surrendered himself to his colleague's overmastering will.
The enchantment finally broken, Wilson disengaged himself from House's embrace and hastened down the hall, intently watching his feet to avoid having to display his flushed face to a passing colleague. What had he done? What had House done?
Later that afternoon, Wilson sat in his twilight-suffused office, distractedly glancing through a well-thumbed file. There was a familiar tap at the glass, the door opened, and House craned his head in tentatively.
"Don't worry, James," House said in a sarcastic lilt, "I never kiss and tell."
I hope you liked it!