Fandom party at
mesongles' last night. 'Twas much in the way of cool, with the reading and the slashing and the pr0n and the figurines and the watching of the important bit of PoA and the omgsomuchfun.
Also met
delirieuse, who is very cool, and who is giving me a free ticket to Wendy Rule tonight (What's that you say,
adonai_hure? La la la can't hear you la la la :P
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Comments 8
My only problem with them is they're so. Fucking. Expensive. Because I'd love to have a billion leatherbound notebooks, but hey. Not at that price.
...and if it ain't Papiro, where can I buy old-fashioned inkwells and the suchlike? Because that would be the niftiest of nifty things. I saw an old-fashioned inkwell in a shop window on Swanson with brass fittings, and my uni friends mocked my worship. They do not understand... *staples hand to forehead*
Yeah, Papiro... See, I didn't get the whole expensive thing, because they don't seem to believe in price tags, and I was dragged out of their kicking and screaming so that my friends could go to some tacky shop that sells spiky wristbands and blingbling jewellery before I could ask for the price of anything.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go back there when there is nobody to stop me from spending money. *plots*
Walked past Papiro (I was wrong, 'tis actually called Il Papiro. My bad) on my weekly hang-out-with-friends-in-Degraves. Pondered going in, but they were shut already.
*snerks* Blingbling? Lemme guess: Toxic, right?
Heh. Toxic, yeah. That's the one.
I pretty much walked in, walked out, but they managed to spend a ridiculously long time there. Looking at what, exactly, I'm not sure.
Bah. I hate that shop. *stomp*
But yes. Very cool...
I feel all, like, old school and stuff. Now all I need is a leather jacket, a pair of pointy boots and a couple of cans of hairspray and I'll be set.
*smooshes you*
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