Abstract and incomprehensible, much?

May 20, 2005 15:27

This is kind of boring for everyone who's not me, but...
From Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus:

"A Body Without Organs is made in such a way that it can be occupied, poopulated only by intensities. Only intensities pass and circulate. Still, the Body Without Organs is not a scene, a place, or even a support upon which something comes to pass. It has nothing to do with phantasy, there is nothing to interpret. The Body without Organs causes intensities to pass; it produces and distributes them in a spatium that is itself intensive, lacking extension. It is not a space, nor is it in space; it is matter that occupies space to a given degree - to the degree corresponding to the intensities produced. It is nonstratified, unformed, intense matter, the matrix of intensity, intensity = 0; but there is nothing negative about that zero, there are no negative or opposite intensities. Matter equals energy. Production of the real as an intensive magnitude starting at zero. That is why we treat the BwO as the full egg before the extension of the organism and the organisation of the organs, before the formation of the strata; as the intense egg defined by axes and vectors, gradients and thresholds, by dynamic tendencies involving energy transformation and kinematic movements involving group displacement, by migrations: all independent of accessory forms because the organs appear and function here only as pure intensities. The organ changes when it crosses a threshold, when it changes gradient. "No organ is constant as regards either function or position, ... sex organs sprout anywhere, ... rectums open, defecate and close, ... the entire organism changes color and consistency in split-second adjustments." The tantric egg."

A. WTF?! Also, ew.
B. o.0
C. Don't you just love it when things are defined only in the negative? I think it would help if they actually said what any of these things bloody well mean...
D. Obfuscatory text means that you are smarter than everybody else.
E. Misappropriating mathematical and biological terms for unrelated ideas also means that you are smarter than everybody else.
F. Mmm. Abstract and meaningless.

And apparently the other subject that I could have chosen is actually, y'know. Fun, or interesting, or something. Blaaaah.

And guess who has 9,500 words to write before June 10? *frets*

Also, Star Wars 3? So. Gay. There's really nothing else to say about it. But OMGTHEGAYESTTHINGEVARLIEKWHOA.
Just like the porn, apparently. Ask darthbessie. She knows what I'm talking about :P
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