sleepy time

May 31, 2006 19:47

Right. First things first:
Happy Birthday chilung!!!

So... What's been happenin'?

Been... a while since the last update. As per usual. Stuff's happened, I suppose. Um...

Got something of a "promotion" at work, so now instead of being a checkout chick for 10 hours per week, I'm in the office for, like, 30. Which is ostensibly a good thing, except that now I have to start at 7am four days a week. Which exposes me to far more daylight than I'm accustomed to and has, I think, completely messed up my brain chemistry (or so the theory goes...). And the people... omg. I think they think I'm a bit odd or rude, but I just have nothing to talk to them about. I don't watch Big Brother or Neighbours, make something of a point of not following football (liek, OMG!), and don't listen to mainstream music (which makes the fact that I'm now subjected to 8 hours a day of Triple M much, much worse... stupid self-satisfied misogynist smug bastard DJs... I hate them so much. *stab*). But at least it counts as admin experience, and gives me that much more chance of getting a decent job in future. And, no customers, which is always a plus.

Also applied for a course at... *gasp* Melbourne Uni, which is totally not my first choice (especially with the lack of parking), but it's in the evenings, and it has an internship at a publishing company, both of which qualify as extraordinarily good things... so yeah. Postgrad diploma of editing and communications or somesuch, which sounds rather horribly like one of those (ugh) vocational qualifications that I've always tried to avoid, but I'm thinking it might be necessary. Can't quite escape the feeling that it might turn me into some sort of productive economic unit member of society, though. Bah.

Been to see heaps of movies lately... most of them absolutely appalling. Mission Impossible 3, which was worth all of the (free) ticket price (thanks, spyndleshanks!!), though possibly not the 2 1/2 hours of my life even with the Jonathan Rhys Meyers factor. And then there was the Da Vinci Code. Oh. Sweet. Hilarious. Shite. I mean, it could have made a better movie than it did book (which wouldn't have been hard), but it barely even managed that. I have a big long rant about how crap it is, and how utterly stupid people are for liking it and oh my god, don't people understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction, but I just can't bring myself to be bothered. And then there was X-Men 3, which, aside from the fact that Halle Berry was, inexplicably, in every single scene, was quite good.

There's other stuff too, but I can't remember what it is. No matter.

And, lastly, ganked from everywhere, because I've always wanted to do one of these...
Take a look at your LJ friends list, then list up to ten things you want to say to ten different LJ friends. DO NOT state who these people are. DO NOT confirm nor deny any "comment speculation"

1) I think I'd have a lot more respect for you if you weren't such a snob
2) I still think you're hot. But you knew that anyway.
3) I wish I still wanted to be your friend. We used to have such fun together. I miss that.
4) I have a sneaking suspicion that you might be some kind of a goth
5) I'd like to think you'll be happy one day, but I'm just not sure you'll let yourself be.
6) Sometimes I still feel like I have to walk on eggshells around you, and I wish I didn't.
7) You're not as smart as you try to be, and I can't help but think that's kind of sad for you.
8) Your friendship and kind words have meant a lot to me lately. I hope you're okay.
9) I'd like to be your friend, but I can't shake the suspicion that you don't like me.
10) You're really not as influential as you think you are.

Heh. Inciting paranoia is fun...
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