(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 10:02

About You...

Name: melanie rose
Location: sacramento
Birthday: "10-26-1988"
Sexual Orientation: either or.
Boy/Girlfriend? Picture if you have one: no no, not at the moment.
Where did you hear about this community?: on beautiful shiri's eljay.
Promote our community in another and give proof: (Don't promote in a commmunity that doesn't allow it, only morons do that.)
What makes you different from everyone else?: i pee in the shower, i'm afraid of geese, i'm jewish.
What is the dorkiest thing about you?: i don't like to brush my teeth with the shower curtain pulled shut. it freaks me out.

Favorite: List as many as you can...

Movies: ghost world, fight club, welcome to the dollhouse, powder, amelie
Books: she's come undone, the romantic, jumping the green, the rum diary
Bands: showbread, underoath, dear aubrey, the used, as i lay dying, athornforeveryheart, self against city, the divine romance, thursday
Quote: take the l out of lover and it's over.

Word Association

Mistake: love
Home: around
Last: time
Time: and time again
Guess: i won't
Ignore: bullshiiiit.

True or False about you

I have a good sense of humor: true
I am a vegetarian or vegan: true
I like Diet Cherry Coke: false
I only wear what looks cool: false
I own more than one pair of shoes: true
I dye my hair: true
I have Peircings: true
I have Tattoos: true

PROMOTE: http://www.livejournal.com/community/__scenewhores__/

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