Name: Kelly
Age: 16
Location: Kent, Ohio
Orientation: straight
Ethenticity: Caucasion
Sex: Female
Single or Dating, if dating post picture: Single
At least 5 sentences describing yourself and your life: Well, i Am Kelly, i will be a senior at Roosevelt High School this year. My main study in High school has been in Art. I loveeeee iced coffee, and listening to my ipod. And i also love driving alone listening to music while singing along with music :)
10 Favorite Bands: metric, fear before the march of flames, unearth, thursday, skies bleed black, Underoath, The Beatles, Bob Marley, AFI, Every time i die. (i have crazy taste)
5 Favorite Movies: the producers, the outsiders, hook, the goonies, startrek
3 Favorite Games: DDR, Stepmania, Mortal Kombat
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite item of clothing, post picture:
comfiest shoes ever.
Favorite thing [hobbie] to do:
Favorite place to be: outside.
Favorite Powerpuff Girl?: bubbles. mos def.
Do you have a myspace,if so link us: you have any weird obsessions?: yes, i am obsessed with beef jerky?
Flatter the mods!:
Oh_bri_please: I just met you, and think your super hot. haha. and we have the same hoodie. [ipod pockets save lifes]
mymy__metro: I duno you, but you are super cute.
Yes or Nos
Drink?: occasionally
Smoke?: yes
Drugs?: no
Sex?: not yet.
Promote us either to 3 livejournal members(leave links) or 2 rating communities(with links)- is and What ifs
What is your opinion on homosexuality? i think that you love who you love, and no one should stop you.
What is your opinion on straightedge? you only live once, live how you want.
What is your opinion on George W. Bush? i think hes a heartless bitch.
What is one of your biggest regrets in life? i dont believe in regret.
If you could date anyone in the world who would it be and why? name: david wheeler. He lives in Michigan, and i met him on spring break, hes the most amazing boy in the world (to me.) and i miss him like crazy.
If you had 100 million dollars what would you spend it on? a shit load of food/fabric paint/clothes/cars/and a niceee house :D
Hottest Member:
thesamemistakes Ugliest Member:
wannabpreppy420 5 or more unphotoshopped pictures of your face and 1 body shot:
(sorry my full body shot sucks)
No makeup!
Any last words?: