Name (or alias): Destiny
cacophonesqueAIM SN: Optional: tangerinesidhe
Name: Gertrude Marie O'Malley
oh_gertrudePlayed By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Abigail Breslin: Gertie is a bit scrawny and of average height. She's got long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her ears stick out a bit. When she reads she has to wear glasses. Her complexion is usually pale, with a few freckles.
Age/Birthdate: 11 years old, April 17th, 1994
For Reference:
Seventh Years: September 2nd 1987 - September 1st 1988
Sixth Years: September 2nd 1988 - September 1st 1989
Fifth Years: September 2nd 1989 - September 1st 1990
Fourth Years: September 2nd 1990 - September 1st 1991
Third Years: September 2nd 1991 - September 1st 1992
Second Years: September 2nd 1992 - September 1st 1993
First Years: September 2nd 1993 - September 1st 1994
Gender: Female
Wand: Poplar wood, unicorn hair core, 9 and 3/4 inches
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthplace/Location: Cork, County Cork, Ireland
Status or Class: Middle
Pet Name/Species: Pippin, black and white domestic shorthair (cat)
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: E
Charms: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: P
Potions: P
Transfiguration: E
Other Subject #1: Divination E
Other Subject #2: Care of Magical Creatures E
Other Subject #3: Arithmancy E
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
History of Magic:
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: precocious, inquisitive, independent, pedantic, smug, opinionated, assertive, clever, nonconforming, observant
Personality: Gertrude is what is typically labeled 'a gifted child.' She's quite clever, imaginative, and learns with ease. She's confident in her thoughts and opinions and is likely to express them whether they are wanted or not. As an only child, she's used to doing her own thing. She enjoys companionship, but it's not a need of hers. She has a habit of correcting people constantly, even her own parents. She fancies herself an author and spends a lot of time following people around with a small notebook, where she jots down observations, which she later tries to work into interesting narratives. Even though she's bright, she doesn't apply herself terribly well in school. She's more interested in learning about stuff than she is in actually doing well, and as a result doesn't always finish her homework assignments. In short: she's smart, she knows it, she'll let you know it too--and if you don't like it? She doesn't care.
Strengths: Both magical and personality: Gertie's favorite class is Herbology. She likes working with the plants. It's also a good hands-on class where her mind can't wander a whole lot. She also enjoys learning hexes and jinxes, and would like to engage in recreational dueling.
In terms of her personality, her greatest strengths are her intelligence and confidence. She finds it easy to learn, and as a result doesn't have to put a lot of effort into most of her classes. Her confidence means that she likes herself, she's usually pretty content, and rarely at a loss for what to do.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Gertie does abysmally in Potions and History of Magic. She'd do alright in Potions if there wasn't so much waiting involved. Unfortunately there is, and when she has to leave her potion to simmer, she becomes distracted with other thoughts. Her History of Magic notes are full of little stories and doodles. She actually thought that History of Magic would be an interesting class, but it wasn't quite what she was expecting. So, instead, she catches bits and pieces about famous wizards and epic wars, and she just makes up her own stories about what happened.
Her biggest flaws are how smug and pedantic she can be. She is an only child, and her parents indulged her quite a lot. As a result, she can be a bit unbearable at times.
Fears/Motivations: Gertrude most fears dying before she's learned all of the things that she wants. She's got a huge list of things that she wants to learn, skills she wants to acquire, deeds she wants to accomplish--and she just doesn't know what she would do if she died before they were all done. She knows that she will die someday, and she can accept her own mortality. It's just that she's terribly concerned that someday will arrive sooner than it ought to.
History: Gertrude was born to Joseph and Catherine O'Malley in Cork, Ireland. Joseph was a newly appointed professor of History at University College Cork. Cate was a registered nurse, working at an area hospital. Both were overjoyed at the birth of their daughter. They spent great amounts of time and energy doting on her. They were the type of parents who encouraged and pushed for education from the very beginning. Even before she started school, Gertrude could read, write, and do a little math. She also had piano lessons and French lessons--because her parents asserted that such skills needed to be acquired as early as possible.
Gertrude spent most of her time in the company of adults until she began attending elementary school. Her parents often took her to museums and historical sites as entertainment. When she was at home, she was provided with many books to read and restricted access to the television. At school she was ill-received by her classmates. Most of them thought her a know-it-all. It didn't bother her terribly much, though. She had good books and the stories in her head to keep her company.
She didn't really exhibit any signs of magic until she was about 7 years old. It was then that she found herself wishing with all her might that a classmate she disliked greatly would suffer something awful. Next she knew, the offending girl tripped and fell, with her skirt up over her head. Gertrude was so pleased with herself. When she told her parents that she had willed another girl to fall, they regarded it as a charming quirk of their daughter's grand imagination.
When Gertrude got her letter from Hogwarts she was terribly excited. Of course, her parents couldn't deny her such an incredibly opportunity. Gertrude was positive that it would be right out of a fantasy book. Plus, it would give her a chance to learn about entirely new areas of knowledge and skill. When she went to Diagon Alley with her parents to purchase her supplies, she wanted just about everything that she saw. In the end, though, the only extra stuff that her parents bought for her was a pile of books on various topics.
A month and a half later, Gertrude was boarding the Hogwarts Express. She hoped that now she was attending a private boarding school, she'd find that she had a bit more affinity with some of her schoolmates.
Significant Relationships:
Father: Joseph O'Malley
Mother: Catherin O'Malley
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. She's a firstie, so no broom!
Year: 1st
House: Ravenclaw
Why are they in that house? First and foremost, she values knowledge above all else. She loves learning, loves knowing, loves finding stuff out. She is curious and imaginative and does her own thing.
Position: (Subject to mod approval)
If this is your 5th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other IG characters
MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: No secrets. She's an open book, really.
Character Alliance: Dumbledore, of course. It'd be kind of foolish for a Muggleborn to support Voldemort.