Jun 02, 2003 22:46
I have a new journal pic, no more weird man!
Jun 01, 2003 15:57
Business resit tomorrow *panic*
I neeeeed more time! Why can't I be Sabrina? She can stop time!
May 28, 2003 01:09
Happy Birthday Marki & Lindsay =oD (I don't think either of them read this anyway) =/ I'm an hour late but oh well!
I had my tattoo today. I'm pleased with it but I can't see it that much because it bled alot.I don't care what other people say - I admit it, it FUCKING hurt!! eek!
May 25, 2003 00:38
I'm working alot this week, but I need the money for my holiday (Zante, here I come!)
I'm getting my tattoo on tuesday, big up myself!
May 20, 2003 15:06
Why has my LJ layout changed??
Ok who has my password??!!!! =op