balh blah blah blah. //no pictures, sorry.

Jan 10, 2005 19:09

Name: Morgan
B-day: Dec. 17
Height: uhh, pretty much 5'
Weight: liiiikkeee, 1-0-somethin' orrr, like 2357533 million..
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: brown
Overall Appearance: uhh, really really hot? haha, kiddin'

---Verse 2.->"THIS OR THAT"

cookies OR cream: cookies
hip hop OR rap: hip hop, even though, i AM, THA RAP MASTA..
punk OR rock: uhhh...either
ghetto OR punk: neither?
make up OR natural: a little bit of both.
resteraunts OR fast-food: both, AT THE SAME TIME. =]
nickelodeon OR disney: both
mtv OR vh1: both
xanga OR nutang: nutang? fuck dat shit.
christmas OR thanksgiving: christmas
skaterz OR preps: SKATERZ, LOL, SHUT THE FUCK UP, FGT. how about both.

---Verse 3.->"HAVE YOU EVER.."

smoked: yes
drank achohol: yes
done drugs illegally: nope
shoplifted: yes
made out: yes
tipped over a port-a-potty: nope
skipped school: yes
skipped class: yes
had sex: nope
gone to a school dance: yes

---Verse 4.->"FAVORITES."

color(s): red, green, and pink.
clothing: i don't wear clothes.
animal: dogs are yummy. not my favorite, but they sure do taste good. SCRUMPCHIOUS.
type of music: rap, defintely....
bands/artists: uhh, can't decide.
features in opposite sex: hmm, style, hair, face, shoes.
tv show: hmmm, gilmore girls, orrr full house, or laguna beach even.
tv channel:  uhh, wherever there's porn.
other favorites: uhh, PROBABLY.

---Verse 5.->"REWIND"

age of first lost tooth: uhhh..
first real make-out: uhh, that's kind of embarrassing.
first kiss: yeah, that's embarrassing.
first bf/gf: uhh, who cares?

---Verse 6.->"Fast Forward"

When do you want to get married: i'm not sure.
Do you know who you want to get married to: no.
How many kids do you want to have and what are their names: maybe 2 or 3. uhh, damnit. i forgot. one of them was julian though. [i want 2 boys and one girl, if you wanted to know. (i think.)]
Where do you go to college: i wanted to go to U of I, but i'm not sure anymore.
What will be your job: pornstar. hah, therapist/phychiatrist. (i don't care if i spelled that wrong.)

bill clinton- fat lady. ahah, monica what's-her-face.
bird- shhhhh.
pickle- whart.
giraffe- dickweed.
paris hilton- "that's hot."
boys- uhh, penis?
Girls- that one board game, girl talk?
love- nicholas<3
survey- fgt
friends- lovie<3
britney spears- i think you're bleeding and drowning in your bathtub.
cherry pie- fuck you, apple pie owns you.
kiss- nicholas
shop- CASH MONEYYY. $$$$ rollin' tha dolla bills.
Michael Jackson- nice nose..FGT.
party- please.
gum- orbit
school- fuck, i have homework.
Marilyn Manson- BLAGH.
mtv- hilary
vh1- yessss.
avril lavigne- hahahahaha.
movies- okay
ghetto- /\/\3, representin'

Name: Morgan, did you forget?
Age: 14
Sex: girl
School: RTMS, dood.
Sign: saggittarius
State: Illinois
Exact Location: Mt. Prospect, IL, if you want the key to my house, just ask me for it.

Current Date: January 10, 2005
Clothes: jeans, little boy hoody, dinosaur thermal.
Weather: uhh, cold.
Hair: up and messy.
Footware: socks
Mood: uhh, can't decide..maybeeee, nostalgic. [NO I DIDN'T USE A THESARUS..hahahah.]
Talking: timmy, from the fairly odd parents.
Sounds: the tv, fairly odd parents.

Cups On Desk: none, for now.
Pets: too many for my liking, but i don't think i'd get rid of any of 'em.
Siblings: four
Crushes: one<3
Cousins: too many to keep track of
Aunts: yeah..uhh, i'm too lazy to think of them.
Uncles: again, i'm too lazy.

Change Clothes: uhh, like twice? sometimes more.
Shower: once
Brush Your Teeth: two or three times
Wash Your Face: twice
Brush Your Hair: i usually count the strokes, but i kind of lost count.. uhh, like 2, 3? i don't know..
Eat: too much
Say the Word "ok": hmm, a lot.
Yell at Your Siblings: i'm not sure.
Slam Doors: i usually don't slam doors.

Nicest: all of them? i don't know.
Coldest: ALL OF THEM. <3 <3
Smartest: defintely not jamie..haha, only kidding. [she's actually very smart..] uhh, i don't know? they're all kind of geniuses.
Tallest: jessehhh, duckeh orrr tom?
Shortest: micheleee, or nick..hahah
Most Fashionable: all of them..PICKING FRIENDS ARE HARD.
Smells Best: uhh, i like stephanie's perfume, or kelleh's. <3<3 KELLEH.
Weirdest Conversations: jamie or megan.
Deepest Conversations: jamie or megan.
Stupidest Conversations: jamie or megan or stephanie or kelly.
Best Liar: uhh, michele? hahaha
Hottest: nick? and ALL OF THEM.
Most Annoying: uhh? none of them are really annoying..
Best: megan, jameh, tracy, stepheh, kelleh, valerie, chisella, schmidteh, and jesseh. anddd, nick, scott, tom, ben, and diooonnn. [heh..]
Most Orginized: uhhh, valerie and jamie
Least Orginized: hahaa, chisella, tracehhh, megan, kelleh.
Always Late: me..I'M MY OWN FRIEND. but out of all of us, i'm always late
Always Early: uhh, they're all usually on time.
Always On Time: all of them pretty much.

Bite Your Nails: no, just cuticles sometimes..=\
Procrastinate: defintely.. =\
Stress: yesss, try not to..
Take out Your Issues On Others: i'm sorry if i do, i don't mean to..
Self Injure (ex: cut, burn, pull hair): not purposly
Flirt Too Much: i don't think so..if i do, i'm sorry.
Have an Eating Disorder: no sir.
Any Other Habbits: uhhhh, i always clear my throat..?

Name Your Kid Dammit: maybe..
Strip For Your Classmates: haha, maybeeeh.
Shave Your head: fuck that.
Wax Off Your Eyebrows: fuck dat shiet.
Wax An Old man's Back: of course.
Make Out With Your Best Friends Boyfriend: fuck you, what a dumb question. no wayyy.
Swim With The Jelly Fish: uhh, probably not..
Make Out With Your Teacher: ew, get the fuck away from me.
Strip At a School Pep Assebly: i don't think i want THAT many people knowing i'm ginormous..
Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird: probably..

Why Did You Take This Survey: i'm bored, and i wanted to.
What Are You Doing After This: homework/shower/be online

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING.. I WAS BORED. <3 i'll update better things lattaaaa.
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