
Mar 08, 2016 15:36

Happy International Women's Day! Give me a femslash or het pairing and a prompt and I'll write you a drabble!

Genderswaps are A-OK

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Comments 13

doreyg March 8 2016, 21:39:08 UTC
Alwaysagirl!Wally/Bruce, red hair


Steph/Nick Gage, tattoo kink


Alwaysagirl!Hal/Sinestro, maddening.



girl!Wally/Bruce oh_mcgee March 15 2016, 01:26:36 UTC
She isn't conventionally attractive, her pale skin scattered with freckles over every inch, more sharp angles than soft, feminine curves, but it's the hair that gets him. Bright like a flame, short, but enough to get your hands in, with uneven bangs that she's constantly trying to blow out of her eyes.

And Bruce wants.

Honestly though, he isn't sure why. She talks too much, chews too much gum, spends half her days irritating him and the other half shoving any kind of food she can find in her mouth. Bruce has seen her with pudding all over her face, with ketchup in her hair. He's seen her broken and bloody and still not stopping.

When he kisses her -- just to get her to stop talking -- her hair smells like strawberries and she tastes like pure sugar.

She's too sweet for him, but it's no use. He's addicted now.


Re: girl!Wally/Bruce likewinning March 15 2016, 04:07:22 UTC
She talks too much, chews too much gum, spends half her days irritating him and the other half shoving any kind of food she can find in her mouth. Bruce has seen her with pudding all over her face, with ketchup in her hair. He's seen her broken and bloody and still not stopping.
I FUCKING LOVE THAT. I've never given all that much thought to girl!Wally but I think you just convinced me.


Re: girl!Wally/Bruce oh_mcgee March 15 2016, 12:45:19 UTC
She'd be so cuuuuuuutee ^_^ Glad you liked, bb!


daria234 March 9 2016, 01:10:51 UTC
Alwaysagirl!Deadpool/Alwaysagirl!Peter Parker


White Collar, Christie/Diana or Elizabeth/Diana


Selina Kyle/alwaysagirl!Jason Todd


I forget if you watch Arrow? Any femslash from that show


Sarah/Nyssa oh_mcgee March 15 2016, 01:35:13 UTC
"I missed you," Nyssa says as Sarah climbs on top of her, the lust for blood in her eyes, glinting off the teeth bared at her. "I missed everything about you."

Sarah's hair is wild, sticks and leaves woven into it, and there's no telling how long she's been gone, what she's done. She looks at Nyssa like she doesn't even know her, leans in and sniffs at her skin like a wild animal.

Nyssa frames her face and Sarah flinches, but doesn't run off. She bares her teeth, tightens her grip on Nyssa's wrists, but she stays where she is.

"You are mine," Nyssa says softly, tracing Sarah's mouth. "And I am yours. Don't you remember?"

Sarah closes her eyes briefly before they fly open once more and she runs off, leaving Nyssa alone once again.

For a moment, Sarah looked as if she was going to kill her. Nyssa wonders if that might've been preferable to this.


Re: Sarah/Nyssa daria234 March 15 2016, 04:27:21 UTC
Ooh this is great! Poor Nyssa <3 I love how desperate they both are here - thank you so much!!!


Re: Sarah/Nyssa oh_mcgee March 15 2016, 12:45:49 UTC
Glad you liked it!


likewinning March 9 2016, 04:28:04 UTC
Steph/Dinah, gold guns girls


Steph/Harley (Mallverse), partners in crime


steph/dinah LB oh_mcgee March 15 2016, 01:49:29 UTC
"So, you just do it for the money ( ... )


Re: steph/dinah LB likewinning March 15 2016, 04:06:05 UTC
"I won't -- I'm not going anywhere."
askfjgss; oh my god I love them so much.

"What if I stay," Steph murmurs when Dinah kisses the scar on her throat; Steph still remembers Dinah gutting the guy who came at her with his rusty fucking switchblade, how much he bled.
I mean, fuck. This is gorgeous, babe. Totally fucking perfect and all the things I wanted. Thank you so muuuuuch. Put this on ao3 for me? <3


Re: steph/dinah LB oh_mcgee March 15 2016, 12:55:09 UTC
Eeeee yay, I'm glad you liked it! http://archiveofourown.org/works/6256867 :*


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