Apr 08, 2010 22:07

Wow. Okay, so I really did do an actual reaction, so here it is. It's pretty long because I have a lot to say, and I had so many thoughts throughout the episode. I think we're all sufficiently broken now, so hopefully I make a little bit of sense.

o1. So I'm trying to wrap my head around this whole Dean-driving-off thing. On the one hand, I can see how people would be irritated and think he's acting like a big queen, but come on... Can we cut the guy a break?

In the last episode, Dean found out that his brother's perfect vision of heaven is one that doesn't even include him. Instead, it invovles every moment that, in fact, Sam spent away from Dean. My heart did its little skips and jumps when Sam told Dean he needed him, it really did. But where has that been in the past nearly two years? I'm not the girl who thinks Dean >>>> Sam or Sam >>>> Dean. They're both very different people with different motivations.

The end of this episode reinforced the idea that Dean does, like Sam, desire a white-picket-fence life. He wishes he could have a kid and live a normal life with someone he loves (*coughCASISWAITINGcough*), but he knows--knows--he can't. "I know how life is gonna end for me." I really don't see this as Dean being whiny or bitchy or whatever... I think after everything--after the whole ordeal with heaven, after finding out that God has thrown in the towel, after even his angel has lost his faith--Dean's just resigning himself to what he believes is his fate.

That having been said, I didn't really love the ending. I feel like bringing Lisa back was incredibly random and contrived, especially since we haven't heard word fucking one about her since season 3, and it's like, okay... So we're supposed to believe that this is the girl he really loves? Not Cassie, the girl he says he loved? I don't know. It's not even like I'm all, OMG DEAN REALLY LOVES CAS AND THEY BELONG TOGETHER AND OMG HE DOESN'T LOVE THIS GIRL. It's not like that at all. Especially since this was such a ~*SASSY*~ ep muahaha (but more on that later). I just feel like the writers were like, "Well, that chick from 3x2 had a kid, so it's like he'd have a family... Yeah, let's do that!" I don't know. I just didn't buy it. *shrug*

o2. So I didn't read the spoilers, episode synopsis, anything for this episode except way back when I watched the behind-the-scenes thing where Jensen and Misha were rehearsing for the scene when Dean was helping injured!Cas out. So when Whore first came on, I was like "THIS BITCH AIN'T RIGHT." And Cas... "The whore." "Wow, Cas, tell us how you really feel." "NO, THE WHORE OF BABYLONG, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS." Bahahaha.

o3. Speaking of Cas, BB OMG I WANT TO HOLD YOU! veggie17 mentioned that there were flashes of Apoca!Cas, and she's so right... From the getting drunk ("I found a liquore store. And I DRANK IT.") to the downing of pills (Dean. Seriously? Having him down the whole bottle? I COULD SHAKE YOU, SIR.) to the rock-bottom-low spirit ("You're an angel." "A poor example of one." and even when Gideon's like, "Who are you?" Cas says, "I'm... an angel of the Lord." He's hesitant to say it, and that speaks volumes.)... All signs point to the Cas of "The End."

o4. Misha Collins broke me. I have the episode playing right now, and I literally just had to stop it because his face... It's bringing real tears. This show affects me in a way that shows rarely do. The last show that made me cry like this was Buffy. I always knew this was the case, but this episode made me realize again how truly invested I am in these characters.

Castiel? I love him. I love that damn angel. If he doesn't make it through to season six, I will fall apart. You know that saying that runs around fandom? "I don't remember life before Misha." It's true for me. Misha gave an absolutely perfect performance tonight, and I feel so proud. It feels weird to say that, but I do. He blew me away, just like he did at the end of last week's episode. They used Cas as the comedic relief a lot for this episode, but my God, Misha played it with that underlying sorrow that just grabs you. I am so impressed, and though this following statement might piss some people off, I think he has consistently been the one to steal the show. He's a real gem, Supernatural (and we) are so lucky to have him.

When he sat there all hung over and depressed and Dean tossed him the bottle of meds? He just looked so... lost. And as much as I love Dean, when he was talking about how he knew how Cas felt, I feel like Cas was just going, "STFU, no you don't! Your dad was NOT the creator of the fucking world, and he is not abandoning all of his children during the fucking APOCALYPSE." This isn't to put Dean down at all or call him insensitive. I realize the parallels that are supposed to be drawn here, the daddy issues that they are supposed to share. But FUCK (buttfuck?), Cas is an ANGEL, and he doesn't even consider himself to be a servant of heaven anymore.

Heartbreak. Pure heartbreak. Misha, never leave us.

o5. BTW, that whole demon house raid? THAT SHIT WAS AWESOME. Although I was really paranoid the whole time that they would kill someone who wasn't a demon and angst would arise. Good thing that didn't happen. Until DYLAN GETS FUCKED UP BY ONE, WTF. And his mom being all, "This is your fault!" Bitch, please, don't even. I hate when that kind of thing happens, it's like, do you REALLY think that Sam and Dean were all, "Oh, he's getting attacked, WHATEVS!" I know she's grieving, but seriously? SERIOUSLY?

o6. "You're not the first prophet we've met. But you're definitely the cutest." STFU, DEAN, CHUCK SHURLEY IS FAR SUPERIOR AND WAY MORE ADORABLE THAN THIS FAKE!PROPHET. Speaking of which... Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!

o7. Well. Now that I've been all srs bsn and shit, that brings us to... SASSY. Don't act like you didn't see it, people! YOU KNOW IT WAS THERE!


"I got your message. It was LONG, your message. And I find the sound of your voice grating.

CAS, AS SAD AS HE MADE ME, TRULY BROUGHT THE LOLZ TONIGHT. Sam's all, "You drunk?" And Cas is all, "WUT, NO! ... YES." Because CAS CAN'T LIE. Especially not to his lover Sam! :P When Cas was all, "Come hither," I was like wtf is going on right now? What is Cas doing? Is he... Oh. He's whispering into Sam's ear. "Don't ask stupid questions." I think I sat there with my mouth hanging open at the glory. Bahahahaha, Cas, you sassy (PUN INTENDED) little bitch!


Also, CAS'S VOICEMAIL. HOLY SHIT. "I--I don't understand why you want me to say my name. *beep beep beep beep beep*" OHHH SWEET JESUS. Not only does Cas not get VM setup and technology, HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO END THE CALL. Cas, you KILL me!

"Where the hell have you been?"
"He's still pretty smashed."
"IT IS NOT OF IMPORT. We need to talk about what's happening here."

Ohhh, Cas. Your bitch!face rivals Sam's :P And your Batman voice is pwning Dean's right now.

And Sam and Cas were being little study partners! They totally wuv each other. Glasses!Misha pic has never been more appropriate.

And who else was watching Misha stay completely and utterly in drunk!Cas mode while they had the wide shots on the couch? FUCKING AWESOME. That whole thing about breeding with the mouth of a goat... His little smile and personal amusement while Dean and Sam are like o_O Awwww, bb, I love your obscure Enochian jokes, tell us more!


HAHAAHAHAHAHHAA OMG SAM'S D: FACE WAS A+++++++. JARED, I LOVE YOU. But he's not too offended because it's his boyfriend saying it, y/y? YES.

o8. Okay. WTF did Whore do to Cas, and why the fuck is he practically comatose by the end of the episode? I don't even. Glad they killed that bitch, though. I have to say, all this stuff from Revelations that the writers are busting out... I'm absolutely loving it. Such a great little spin on the Bible's stories, and I'm so glad we're getting episodes that are fully progressing the storyline now :P I mean, the stand-alones can be fun and all, but it's like pulling teeth when we don't get legit information that forwards the story, especially since we're so close to the end (holy shit, we're so close to the end!)

BTW, I love how Cas just happens to have a stake from Babylon that will kill Whore. O RLY? But the way Dean holds out the stake to Gideon was pretty classic :P

o9. Thoughts on Dean being a worthy servant of heaven? I don't really know what to make of that... Like, I assume Cas was saying he couldn't be because he's banished from heaven, cut off from upstairs. But why was he wrong about Dean? I thought it was about the fact that Dean was so anti-God and pissed off and unwilling, etc. Or perhaps the very reason that Dean was able to do it is because he actually is willing, which is clear by the end of the episode. But at what point did he make that decision? When he spoke to Whore about "what the angels told her"? Because she said that Paradise was coming, which implies that Michael defeats Lucifer, and the angels get what they want. But she was a FALSE prophet... So does Dean still buy it? And for that matter, I still don't really get why he would want that anyway since they've been trying to avoid that the whole time. My head hurts.

10. The promo for next week! OH SHIT! I won't discuss it because I don't want to spoil those who don't watch the promos, and I'm spoiler-free for the rest of the season myself (so please, no spoilers in comments <3). BUT DAY-UM, THAT SHIT IS GOING TO BE EPIC.

11. 100th EPISODE NEXT WEEK, EVERYONE! So excited! I can't believe we've reached that point with show. I've been with Supernatural since day fucking one, and I will always be loyal, no matter WHAT. I can say that without a doubt. I love this show, I love Jensen and Jared and Misha, and I have faith in Kripke. I'm so ridiculously proud of the whole Supernatural team for this achievement, especially since so many shows don't make it past the first season.

I also want to say that I'm so proud to be associated with you all, my fellow fans, because when you look at the big picture, we're the reason this show is still on. We are a huge part, if not a majority, of its success, no matter which way you spin it, and I love you guys. I love being able to come on LJ and share my thoughts with those who can understand exactly where I'm coming from. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME, AND THIS EPISODE HAS MADE ME ALL EMOTIONAL <3

Also, don't forget to watch THE GHOSTFACERS WEB SERIES next Thursday! Support AJ and Travis because you know that shit will be EPIC.

I'd love to hear what you all think, as well, so please comment and share! This was a fanastic prelude to the 100th episode, and I can't wait for next week!

ETA: Now with shiny pictures! All from rawr_caps.

cas ilu, supernatural, unlocked post, episode review, misha collins

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