I got an 83.6 on my biology test The class average was a 72 ... I'd call that a success.
Ruthie and I spent some time looking at wedding things, I cannot wait to have a green wedding ... it's gonna be awesome, plus I'll be saving the world.
Hockey team won the first game of the season ... SGA got over 150 students to go to a game, which is awesome and makes me really happy to be apart of student government. This Friday is the basketball team opening game, should be fun
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I'm starting to come to the realization that saving the world isn't as easy at it may seem. Biology is kicking my butt, I can't even get a good grade on a fake quiz ... I don't know, it's a lot and I don't know how to make it okay
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This is it, tomorrow morning I will no longer be on Long Island and I won't be back until sometime in October, I wanted the summer to be over and now that it is I wish I had more time to just do nothing and regroup myself
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