One of the fortunate.. or unfortunate things about being on the road on a Monday is that I get back to the hotel in time to watch enough of Raw. Though concerning tonight, I'm still deciding whether or not it was a good idea to watch.
There are quite a few things I could say, especially with what's been happening over the past week. I love the writing team of Raw right now so much. Can I just say that? And yes, I am being totally sarcastic. Despite that, I did manage to keep my cool while watching except toward the very end. I bet you really enjoyed that, didn't you?
It's not like I have anything to worry about. Shane and I had a discussion and I know where he stands. I know where we stand. He's my husband and I trust him completely. Eric, on the other hand..... just a lot of agitation. I guess it could have been worse, though, right?
Aside from all of that, Shane did look hot per usual. Honestly, when doesn't he look hot? Heh. But Glen, could you possibly take it a little easier with him next time? And try not to... violate him so much? That was pretty interesting. Now I have to go make a phone call to see how Shane's doing like the concerned spouse I am. I really wish I had been there instead of hanging with friends.
My poor baby. :(